(2) Prisoner of War

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Your POV:

You were playing with a dagger until a dildo got shoved into your mouth.

'What the fuck?' You thought.

Soon you opened your eyes and saw a blondie with her sword shoved down your throat.

"Wake up," She simply said as she took the sword out.

"Don't do that again, I thought I was eating a dildo," You replied as you sat up and stretched your back "Do you always wake people up like that because it ain't good for you."

"Well no obviously, besides waking a sla-"

"Bitch I ain't no slave," You looked at her.

She sighed frustratedly "Are you a Brunish lord?"

"Yes technica-"

"Then mind your manners prisoner!"

"Hey I'm not a prisoner!"

She looked at you confused "How can you stay so laid back?"

"Dunno, I've always been asked that."

"Well anyways you're now in the Zhcted kingdom so do-"

"Don't run away or get raped, yeah okey," You replied.

She shook her head "Ugh, anyways lady Eleonora wants to see you."

You nodded and got up out of bed. You followed the woman through the corridor and into another room where you saw the war maiden.

She smiled at you "We are asking for a ransom and if Brune doesn't comply in 50 days then you will officially become Zhcted's property."

"How much is it?" You asked leaning against a wall and playing with a dagger.

"7 times the yearly revenue of whatever province you are the lord of."

"Hah easy...wait what?!" You asked as you stood up straight "That's bullshit we'll never get that much money in 50 days, come on that's way too high!"

"Well then I guess you'll become Zhcted's property," She smirked.

"Well that's unfair," You groaned "Is that all you wanted to tell me because now you've made me sad..."

She shook her head "There is one thing you could do."


Scene change + Time skip

"What a loser!"

You looked at the bow they gave you 'Well the one they gave me is crap, I wonder if they're trying to humiliate me or Zhcted bows are just made to be shit.'

You looked at the circular target ahead of you.

Is this your first time with a bow sir?!" A black haired haired man with purple eyes smirked as everyone laughed.

You looked at the war maiden who was sitting on a chair. She smiled at you and nodded as if to tell you to try again.

"I hope you're taking this seriously!" The blondie shouted slightly from the side.

You looked at her "I am don't wor-'

You turned around and shot an arrow at a crossbow bolt aimed straight at Eleonora, the war maiden.

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