(3) Looming Threat

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Your POV:

"You seem very protective of the province," Elen smiled "Not many lords treasure their provinces as much as you do."

"It was bestowed upon me by Faron for my services," You replied "Besides it's so peaceful there."

"You seem to call the king of Brune by his name, why so?" She asked.

"We're friends, that's all," You replied whilst leaning on a wall and playing with a dagger.

"Hmm, but what I must ask is how your army was crushed so easily," She looked at you seriously "That battle was just a waste of my time."

"What, are you disappointed?" You asked with anime tears streaming from your eyes.

"We numbered just 5 000 against your 25!" She growled frustratedly "I had made a load of plans I was excited to use but your army fell under my first one."

"Midnight sneak attack," You replied.

"But I also heard many of scouts telling me about the Immortals being there," She groaned "Oh I wish they were there."

"Who are the Immortals?" You asked keeping a straight face.

"Don't you know?!" Lim and Elen gasped "They're the army that are feared across the whole world, everyone knows about them!"

"It's still hard to believe they were there and the prince still di-"

"You mean prince Regnas?!" You gasped standing up.

"Why, were you two close," Elen asked saddened a bit.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Faron tasked me with protecting him but I failed so I don't hold any grudge towards you," You replied with a slight smile.

Elen looked at you uneasily but nodded never the less.

Scene change + Time skip

"You might wanna stop shaving your head Rurick, well not might but should or else if you grow a beard you'll end up looking like Walter White when you're older," You said amused at the hairless man in front of you.

He looked behind at you "Alright for the last time for making fun of you at the archery tournament the war maiden made me give up my luscious hair as a punishment!" He then looked up in respect "I should be executed but lord (Y/N) for your mercy I will continue to make this offering.

He then kneeled with lit up eyes "Besides, I admire your skills with the bow, it puts my own to shame! You are a master and me, a foolish novice, to ever challenge you!"

You smirked "Haha, I've said already though I am a bit rusty but is there a place to eat because I'm starving," You sighed as your stomach grumbles.

Scene change:

"Holy shit this is good!"

You were currently munching on pretty much every piece of edible thing you could find.

"I'm going Chowder on this shit!"

Everyone stared at you amused as you set your plate down "Damm that was good."

Rurick looked at you funnily "I'm sorry if I'm being rude but for a lord, you have terrible table manners."

"Haha, don't worry everyone says that," You laughed as Rurick shook his head smirking.

"And even better, I have a maid that can pretty much cook anything!" You grinned.

Bandits (Lord Marksman and Vanadis x OutlawMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now