Awkward Moment - 7th

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"You're very smart really" said Adrian to her and she just nodded and blushing with the compliment.

Adrian smirks at her and she blushing even more and make Adrian chuckled softly at her.

"So it's time for lunch and I want you to join me for the lunch" inviting her to have a lunch with him.

"I-I'm so-sorry s-sir, I-I can't b-because I-I d-don't w-want t-to bother y-you" said Margaret at him and he shook his head at her.

"No of course not, you're not bothering anything besides I want you to join me" said Adrian at her and she just speechless.

"Um,I uh I-I d-don't u-use to be c-close with m-my b-boss b-because..." But Adrian silent her with a intimidating look and her head fell to look at the floor.

"I want you to come with me and that's final " order Adrian against her and she can't do anything but nodded because she intimidated by Adrian.

After that, Adrian sighed and shook his head and got up from the chair and walking to Margaret and he come closer and closer until he stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry for being like that" whispering him at her and she just widened her eyes in disbelief and just nodded at him.

"Please, I want you to come with me" pleading him to her and she just blushing and nodded again because don't know what to say.

"Great, now let's go" said Adrian and grabbing her hand with him and she just widened her eyes and blushing at the action.

Then, they both rushed out from Adrian office and go to the elevator and wait until it open, once it opened they step in and Adrian press the 'G' button on it.

After the elevator arrived at 'G' floor, they step out and someone greet them.

"Good Afternoon sir and Ms.Steele it's pleasure to meet you again" said Evan at them and Adrian just frowned at him.

"What do you mean with 'meet you again' Mr.Firtzmith?" ask Adrian at him and Evan just shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I mean this morning I already met her in the elevator and she can't operate the elevator so I told her how to use it" explain Evan at Adrian who seems very confused and with that he understands and nodded at Evan.

"Well, thank you for your help and now I want to excuse ourselves and go to have a lunch together" while smirks at her and she blushing and he look towards Evan and he nodded at him.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you sir, and Ms.Steele maybe we can have a lunch together sometime" said Evan winking at her and Adrian cleared his throat and make Evan shook at that.

"Well, I see you next time Margaret and Mr.Jacobs" with that he left them and Adrian look at Margaret in the eyes and she look at him the same.

The atmosphere seems very intense and Adrian getting closer and closer until his forehead touching her and she just shocked and yanked off him.

And she blushing really hard and she like a tomato now, Evan realized what he want to do and muttering "sh*t" at himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that and please don't be mad at me" said Adrian against her and she just shook her head and still thinking about several seconds ago they were very close.

"I-It's okay, I-I mean t-that's j-just a-accident" said Margaret at him with stuttering still very nervous with what Adrian did.

"Really, sorry for made things awkward" said Adrian and she nodded with shyly, then they both hop in the Adrian red Audi TT RS car.

Then, he drove them to have some lunch in some restaurant probably.

"Where do you want to go, Margaret?" Said Adrian at her and she shocked that Adrian said her first name.

"M-Margaret?" ask her with nervously at him and he nodded while looking at her.

"Yeah why? Are you don't like I call you Margaret?" Ask him while raising his eyebrows.

"N-not l-like that, I-I mean I-It's okay with m-me as long as I-I c-can c-call y-you Adrian" then she widened her eyes in disbelief because what she said to his boss then she blushing and trying to avoid look from Adrian but that's make Adrian chuckled and smirks at her.

"Yahvé, pourquoi les siens adorable?"(God, why she's so adorable?) Said Adrian at her and he shook his eyes and smirks at her.

By the time, they arrived at the restaurant that Adrian like to go 'The Linguini Restaurant' the very famous and very delicious restaurant and food in the world.

They entering the restaurant and greeted by Mr.Linguini the owner of the restaurant.

"bienvenu seigneur, quelles qui pu je'aider?" (Welcome sir, what can I help you with?) ask Mr.Linguini towards him and he greet him back tell him to serve something special for them and Mr.Linguini nodded at him and tell him to wait for a minutes.

Then, Adrian trying to have conversation with Margaret to make things a little bit less awkward.

"Hey, are you like it here?" ask Adrian trying to open the conversation.

"Y-Yeah, I-I want t-to go t-to h-here s-since I-I'm little b-but t-this place i-is too ex-expensive f-for u-us" said Married and she realized something from what she said.

"Uh crap, I-I'm so-sorry I-I bo-bother y-you a-again" said her at Adrian and he shook his head to her trying to reassuring her.

"non-sens, I have a lot of money so it's not bothering me and anyway I invited you so I definitely not bothered" said Adrian with reassuring smile at her and she just blushing.

"I-I'm so-sorry, I-I'm v-very s-stupid" said Margaret at him and he shook his head and frowned at her.

"No you're not, you are very smart Margaret and I tell you again that is fine with me and I just want to get close to you" said Adrian and she nodded at him while blushing and speechless.

By the time, the foods arrived and Mr.Linguini explain everything at them and Mr.Linguini ask them if they anything else but they both say no and Mr.Linguini excuse himself to the kitchen.

Then, they both have their lunch together and after long time they both finished the lunch and Adrian ask for the bill and then he pay it and they stood up and thanked Mr.Linguini.

After that, they both drove themselves back to the office, then they arrived and Adrian go to his office and Margaret go to her office. Then, Adrian sighed and sit in his chair.

suddenly the door to Adrian office opened and his secretary coming to him.

"S-Sir, I'm sorry for interrupting you but I have some bad news for you" said Mrs.Young to him and he shocked at her.


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