The Tear's Waves

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Virat’s POV:

Fairly speaking I had no idea how to console one or soothe someone’s pain. I wasn’t that implausible of course. But I let Mia to free her feelings and pain that has been trapped for some time now. It was absolutely ridiculous for someone who has no hand in this but I wanted Mia to share her pain with me.

She held me so tight like her life was dependent on it solely. It took me a deal of seconds and some sparks of the unending minutes to calm her down finally for the damage had been already done by Viren.

I embraced her with all my might for she felt so fragile in my arms.

“Mia, are you okay?” I rubbed her back.

She sobbed hard further,”Mia..What happened? You know right? I’m always here for you. Feel free to tell Mia.”

“Virat, my dad…Viren said...”She drifted off for I just felt her whole body weight on me.

Oh shit. It took me some seconds to realize that Mia had fainted. What had happened when viren came?

I lifted her up in bridal style and walked into one of the rooms for I guessed it was actually Mia’s. I laid her gently on the bed and positioned her on her back.

I checked her breathing and pulse and it was normal. I shook her vigorously and briskly,”Mia! Can you hear me?”

Oh god. I seriously had no idea one for the fact that I knew she’s going to be alright.

I raced my way to the kitchen and returned back with a damp towel. Seating myself on the edge of her bed I tried reviving her consciousness by putting the towel on her forehead. I tapped her gently on the shoulder escalating myself to the hopes that she will regain consciousness.

“Mia, can you hear me?” she stirred up keeping my hopes high.

After seconds of fluttering her eyelashes which clasped tight for a while she slowly opened her eyes adjusting itself to light of hurt in the room.

“Mia, here- have this glass of water!” I said as I handed over the glass motioning her to drink to keep herself hydrated.

The best thing to do to stop the puffy eyes is get rid of the problem.

“Are you okay?” I found my words tumbling out of my mouth.


Mia’s POV:

“Are you okay?” Virat asked me with questioning eyes showing utmost concern.

I had no voice left for I was left unhinged.

The water never helped the growing knot in my stomach and pain in my heart or the wringing of my hands, or anything, really.

With each droplet making its way through my throat, the invisible rope only seemed to tighten a bit. But my mind was whizzing around so fast that I felt I would collapse yet again.

I hugged him tight sobbing yet again clasping my hands around his chest.

It was a kind of hug where for a moment in his arms you feel safe and home, gentle and warm, you feel like you have no worries , no fears but just a calm and serene bundle of emotions.

He rubbed my back,”shh...Don’t cry baby. It’s going to be alright. You’re strong, aren’t you? Come on! Calm down...”

His voice calmed me down a bit. I rested my head on his chest feeling the ups and downs of his chest thumping.

“Your dad and my dad had a deal Mia!” rang into my ears. I squeezed my eyes shutand let my tears fall.

“Mia…hush baby!” he tightened his grip around my arms. He loosened a bit a minute later before he went on, “You need some rest Mia...”

“You are leaving, aren’t you?”I asked him.

He looked into my hazel eyes and continued, “I’m not leaving you. I want you to take rest. I’m going to have that viren guy killed for making you feel like this now. But don’t worry; I’m going to stay here until you get any better.”

I smiled weakly. “Thank you Virat.”

He returned back his precious smile.

I rested my head on the pillow while Virat pulled in the covers and tucked me in. I snoozed away to my own world lingering on my past like a mechanized soul.


Virat’s POV:

I thought I have to give her time enough to confide in me. I dragged the curtains for I didn’t enjoy the fact about the sun rays’ peeking into her room disturbing Mia’s much needed sleep.

I made my way closing the door of her room like I guessed- the room was hers. Questions circled my mind

Why did viren show up nearly after two years?

How did he come to know about Mia’s address? Is he planning against her something?

Anything to do with her dad or something?

Some pieces of puzzle were still a mystery.

Mia. She isn’t the type of girl who would share her pain with someone.

Maybe her past was that rough. Or her life is being so horrendous to her.  I seated myself in one of the love seat couches when suddenly Mia’s mobile rang with Sid’s name flashing across the screen.

I swiped the screen attending his call for I was sure that Sid was the only one who knew about her past.


“It’s virat here Sid.”

“Virat? Where’s Mia? And why are you attending her calls?”

“Chill. Mia isn’t well and I came to check her.”

“Oh okay. Is she okay now? What happened?”

“She is okay. She wouldn’t tell me. But I guess her ex met her today.”

“Ex? He met?” he asked casually. I suspected there’s something to do with him regarding Mia and Viren.

“You knew?”

“aah..uh? How will I know?” there’s something wrong.

“Sid, are you hiding something from me regarding Mia’s past?”



“Sid, are you hiding something from me regarding Mia’s past?”

I was dumbfounded. Viren met Mia. Mia isn’t well. But I chose to cover up.

“Virat why would I?” I found myself adding fuel to the fire.

“Sid...Are you sure?”

“Virat, I actually did.” He has been my friend for past one and half years after I first came to Delhi.  But I wanted to tell him once for the fact I knew that Virat is the one meant for Mia.

There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind.

“You did?”

“Yes, I did. Can we talk in person? Even Mia needs my explanation. I can’t explain everything in call.”

“Oh yeah! She surely needs an explanation. Mia’s home at 6 maybe? I’ll text you the address!”

“Yeah sure. I’ll be there. Bye.”

I felt I did the right thing. This chapter has to be closed in Mia’s life. Virat needs her and vice versa.

Doing the right thing for someone else felt like a giving a tonic to them to make their wounds heal.

One of the great things about life is that you can start over. And I wanted mia to do the same.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Lemme know about your thoughts regarding this chapter. And I would like to dedicate this chapter to @sanjana2699 for being my best friend  in wattpad. Thanks love x

Dharshini x

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