Chapter 2

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Ash's P.O.V   

    I turn on the tv and see Serena and she won and she's now the Kalos Queen. When I see her smile I smile too. She's so beautiful I wish I could meet her but a girl like her would never like me plus I agreed to never have a serious relationship again after what she did to me.......

Next day

   I get up to go to school and pick up my friends on the way to school and splash a nerd with water and we all start laughing until I get a good look at her and she looks like a nerd but her eyes are so blue that they make me feel guilty so I stop laughing that's the first time that I've felt bad for a girl I guess you can say I'm the typical player of the school every girl who sees me immediately falls for me and I don't care  about their feelings but they still love me.


 When I saw the nerd, her eyes mesmerized me even more than before. She was sitting next to me so I decided to make a move. I nudged her and introduced myself than I flashed my best fake smile that all the girls fall for and she just rolled her eyes and turned to the teacher. How could she ignore ME, THE Ash  Ketchum the whole class I was thinking about it until I made it my mission to make her fall for me. I don't know  why but I was attracted to her I means she's a nerd and I am THE Ash Ketchum and for some reason she seemed familiar to me.

At Lunch

   During, lunch I saw Selena sit with Calem and I was angry it was like a betrayal,he was stealing my girl, wait did I just call her mine. Whatever, he tries to steal everything from me and I do the same I will win her in the end I saw Calem smirk at me from his table cause he saw I was angry and jealous but she didn't have a care in the world and wasn't paying attention. I clenched my fists the whole lunch.

  After, lunch I walked up to Calem to give him a piece of my mind. I told him to back off Selena and that she was mine. He was shocked and so was I, I haven't felt like this about a girl since her but I didn't care about that right now. After, I told him to back off he said he wouldn't and that he was going to win her over. I got so angry that we started a fight and both got detention.

At Science Class

      I have this class with Selena I thought. This could be my chance to get to know her. I will ask her to be my partner. Just then the teacher announced that we will be assigned partners by popsicle sticks. After I got my color all the girls except Selena crowded me to see what color I had but none of then matched. I went up to the teacher and told him. He told me to wait to see if anyone else needed a partner. I was in back of him when I heard Selena telling him she didn't have a partner then I had a smug grin on my face as she saw me and she face palmed I had to admit that stings a little but I didn't let it show. We arranged a time and I could tell she was easily annoyed by me but I was glad to have some alone time with her at Starbucks and I would change her mind about me. 

During Detention

        I was on my way to the bathroom when I heard someone's angelic voice ringing in my ears so I opened the door to the music room but no one was there I couldn't get her voice out of my head for the rest of detention. As I was leaving I saw Selena and Calem hug and I got really mad that should be me not him, that's when Calem saw me and smirked. I have to win her over first I thought.

                   She may look like a nerd but she is going to be mine.



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