six | imessages

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jae bae😩:
heyo jack

hey jae, what's up?

jae bae😩:
you know calista right?


no i don't

i'm completely oblivious to who that is

jae bae😩:
fine be that way i'll just talk to someone else then


i'll behave i swear

jae bae😩:
can i trust you?

to not tell anyone else, if i tell you something?

yes, jaeden, you know that.

jae bae😩:
well i know that i haven't met her actually in real life, but i think i like calista i mean she's just so funny and nice and i just get so happy whenever i get a notification that she texted me

jae, that's great!

jae bae😩:
well yesterday i messaged her and she was talking about stress and stuff of modeling and i said i was sorry for her and she just said not to and left and she hasn't texted me since

i'm sorry man

just text her and say that you're sorry if you upset her yesterday and ske it from there

jae bae😩:
thanks jack! you're the best

anytime man

hey jack can i tell you something

of course soph, you can always talk to me!

well can you not tell anyone what i tell you???

especially finn

yes ofc you can??

and why not finn does this have to do with finn??

what did he do?? did he do something bad??

no, no, it's not about finn, gosh.

it's about calista

i think i like her, we've been spending more time together since we have more shoots at the same places and she just is so amazing


what? what is it?

oh no, i knew i should've have told you

no it's nothing

i clicked the wrong contact that "shit." was meant for someone else, oops

i think it's great

oh okay

it's just that i don't know if she likes me back

and don't say to just ask her cause i can't do that

okay, well, when you are hanging out with each other just try to watch out for any signals of her liking you

okay, thanks jack, you're awesome

i'm really not, though

you are!

well i gtg, thanks!



jack powered off his phone and gently set it on the table. he was in a state of shock. two of his best friends like the same person and they both trusted him to help them.

he looked up across the table to finn, his best friend and the person he trusted and confided in most, and he couldn't even tell him or he would be breaking both sophia and jaeden's trust. he had no clue what to do.

he mumbled a soft "shit" under his breath and buried his face in his hands in frustration.

"hey jack are you okay?" finn asked in confusion looking up from his phone and to jack.

"no," jack mumbled through his hands. finn immediately got up from his chair and went to the other side of the table where jack was sitting, and crouched down, looking up at jack.

"what's wrong?" finn asked him, slowly moving jack's hands from his face and intertwined their fingers, he suddenly felt a weird feeling in his chest, and butterflies in his stomach, but he just pushed off those feelings. he always pushed them off, they didn't mean anything, right?

"i can't tell you," jack said and felt his face get more and more red by the second, turning his face away from finn.

"hey, you can tell me anything," finn said, untwining one of their hands and moving jack's face gentility so jack was facing him again, "i mean it,"

"i just can't really tell you right now, but i will tell you, i promise," jack said with a forced smile, trying to reassure finn. it would be hard keeping secrets from finn, he told him everything.

"hey, it's okay, as long as you're alright, that's all that matters," finn told him with a big smile, jack always loved when finn smiled, it made him happy.

"i'm alright," jack reassured him. jack was fine at least for now, he didn't want to be put in this situation but he also could never turn down helping a friend, so now he's just going to have to deal with the stress like he always does. but if he has to hold in all this stress now, he eventually won't be fine, but he didn't and couldn't tell finn that, he didn't want to worry him.

"okay good," finn said getting up pulling jack into a tight hug, "you're my best friend, i wouldn't want anything bad happening to you,"

finn went back to his seat and sat down, looking back at jack and smiling, jack couldn't help but smile back, even if it was a weak smile.

"okay, now let's order our food because i'm hungry," finn said with a laugh, picking up a menu.


a/n: haha oops.

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