an explanation.

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hey everyone, so i know and all of you probably know that i haven't updated in a long time and i'm sorry for that.

the past few months my depression has been really bad i've been going through some family issues and it's just been kind of hard for me to have motivation to do anything. it's not just my this account that's been neglected but also my schoolwork, some of my friends, and basically everything that isn't my cat and youtube. all that i have done the past few months is just watching youtube videos or netflix trying not to let the bad thoughts get to me. so because of that my motivation for anything has been next to none, and i wasn't able to write any of my stories on here because i had no motivation to. so i'm sorry that i haven't updated. but now i will be getting help. i've started going to therapy so hopefully things will start to get better for me

also i'm sorry that i've basically disappeared here and to anyone who followed me on my instagram account i don't use that account anymore and i'm sorry that i've completely disappeared from that account also. so i'm sorry to the few people (if you are reading this) that i used to be close to on here and that account.

also i'm really surprised that people still read this story even thought i haven't updated in a long time.

i will try to make an end to this story so that there isn't just an open end because it is my most popular story on here, but i don't know how i feel about writing fan fiction of real people anymore so i'm just going to kind of finish this up. and i may continue my reddie story because i actually really liked the idea of that story.

so thank you to anyone who read this and thank you to anyone who understands.

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