tears and betrayal

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Your drive home was quiet. The static of the radio and the hot air spewing from the car vents was all that was heard. Usually, you'd consider that peaceful. Not today.

A small smile struck your face as you pulled into the driveway of your house. You lightly shut your car door, as you walked up to your front door and unlocked it.

The house was very quiet. Not even the television was on.

You walked around, looking for Dark. You took a deep breath as you approached the door of his office, which was the only place you hadn't looked. He always told you to not enter if the door was closed, but today was different. You were worried. You had an eerie feeling as you twisted the brass doorknob on the wooden door.

As you entered, Dark's back was faced to you. He was sitting in his office chair, staring out the window in front of his desk.

"I thought i told you to stay out when the door was locked." Dark hissed, spinning around in his chair to face you. You gulped, backing up a bit.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just-" You stuttered, trying to place your thoughts into words. Dark interrupted you before you could start speaking again.

"What now?" He growled. "What's your fucking excuse now, [Y/N]?" He stood up, inching closer to you. Your eyes widened, your heart picking up pace. You gulped, not being able to find words again.

You stared at the ground. "Y-you had me w-worried this morning..." You muttered, as you looked up at Dark, whose hands were behind his back, with an angry look plastered on his face. "You were acting quite..s-strange.."

"And you didn't think to ask what was wrong?" Dark spat at you.

You furrowed your eyebrows. "O-of course i did! I-I just didn't want-" he cut you off, again.

"Don't lie to me, [Y/N]." Dark paused, taking a deep breath. "You always think of yourself. It's always about you."

You stood there, now staring directly at Dark with your mouth ajar. You eyes were threatening to spill now. Did he really just say that? Did he really mean it? Now that you thought about it, you never thought about yourself. You put yourself before others, especially your boyfriend. You didn't want to put up a fight, so you admitted to it.

"I'm sorry, D-Dark, i didn't w-want to bothe-" 

"Saying that you're 'sorry' isn't going to cut it." He shook his head as he let out a small chuckle. "All you do is cause me stress. More stress than i need. I need to accompany all of your needs, yet you leave no room for mine."

You were speechless. Tears blurred your vision to the point where you couldn't even see. It broke you even more to know that Dark was looking at you the entire time, keeping eye contact until you broke it. Why was he acting this way? All you wanted to know was what was wrong.

"You're worthless." 

With those words, you lost it. You never thought you'd be hearing them from the man who you loved so much. Your relationship was just thrown down the drain with two simple words. 

You looked up at Dark one last time, and then ran out of the room, slamming the door behind you.

You grabbed your phone and keys and threw them off to the side as you sat down to put your shoes on. As you tied the laces, tears streamed down your face. You heard screaming coming from Dark's office, and you knew it was the voices. Those two that sounded so familiar.

You tried to block it out as you stood up, running to the closet to get your jacket. You threw it on and zipped it up. You jogged to where you threw your phone and keys and picked  them up, all while running towards the door.

You stood in front of the door that leads to outside. For some reason, you felt like you would never come back. After what Dark had just said to you, you had no idea if you'd ever be able to look at him again. The screaming commenced in Dark's office. 

You placed your hand on the cold doorknob, as Dark's office door slammed open. You froze, hand still on the knob. You wish you would've fought through the fear. Your whole body trembled. You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes, waiting for him to say something else that would break you. He always won arguments, and you hated him for that. He always had something to throw right back at you.

But, he didn't say anything this time. 

At least Dark didn't.

You heard a voice, one too familiar not to recognize. It was one of the voices that you heard arguing with Dark.


It was a feminine voice. It sounded like it didn't mean any harm.

Then, it finally hit you. It was the voice of your deceased childhood friend.


"Oh my fucking God." Was all your mind could think.  

You didn't dare turn your head. You squeezed your eyes shut, thinking it was just a trick pulled by Dark to get you to continue feeding into his stupid argument. You didn't mean to start an argument. You only wanted to know what was wrong and to help him.

Then, out of no where, a loud screeching noise emitted from behind you, accompanied by a bright, blue light, that even you could see through your squeezed shut eyes. You were scared for your life at this point. Were you dead? Did Dark just kill you? 

Everything fell silent.



You started sobbing now, your hand becoming clammy as you attempted to remain firmly gripping doorknob. You couldn't take this. Dark first faked Celine's voice, and now Damien's? You couldn't believe it, though a part of you wondered if maybe they were actually there. Your heart shattered even more. Your legs trembled as you felt like you were about to collapse.

"No, don't cry! I promise, this isn't something set up by Dark!"

You were still sobbing. You didn't know whether or not to believe that promise.

"It's Damien, [Y/N]. Please turn around."

You dropped your phone and keys to the ground, and took your hand off the door knob. You couldn't believe you were falling for this.

You turned around, eyes still closed. Once you gained the confidence to open them, you weren't met with Damien's eyes. You weren't met with Celine's.

You were met with Dark's.

Oh my God, your heart shattered even more. 

You didn't know what to feel. Your stomach dropped. Your whole body felt numb. The tears stopped falling.

Dark stood there, emotionless. Acting like he didn't just take this way too far.

You looked at Dark one last time, and shook your head as the tears started falling again. You turned around, picked up your keys and phone opened the door, and walked out without hesitation.

Dark didn't stop you. He didn't say anything. He didn't do anything. He knew what happened but couldn't explain it. He couldn't bare to see your heart break anymore, though he just did.

Then again, maybe it was best for you two not to see each other for a while.

A long while.

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