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[A/N] hey everybody! im so, so sorry for the super late update. i've been preoccupied with personal things and school. this chapter doesn't really follow the rules of WKM, but that doesn't matter, i guess? also, thank you guys so much for the support!! i have over 2k reads, and that's absolutely amazing. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

also! to quickly clarify, [Y/N] means "your name", and [E/C] means "eye color".

The rest of your day with Dark was amazing. Half of it was spent in front of the TV, cuddling underneath a blanket together, as Dark was smothering you in hugs and kisses every chance he got. You honestly had hope for his change. He hadn't acted so affectionate in ages. You were slightly concerned, but you let it roll off your back as Dark would pull you closer and kiss your neck, as if he could read your mind and was trying to stop you from thinking too much.

Questions kept popping up in your mind about the fight. For example, why did he fake Damien and Celine still being alive? Why didn't he just talk to you about what was bothering him? Why did he say all those horrible things to you? Why were you already back together with him?

Stupid overthinking. It's a pain in the ass.

As much as you tried to ease your thoughts, everything came crashing down as the sun set. Of course, you didn't show it.

Until you couldn't take it anymore.

You lay on your back in your shared bed, with Dark snoring softly next to you. His back was facing you. Your hands were folded on top of your stomach. Your head kept yelling at you to say something to Dark. To either wake him up and talk to him about the fight, or to get up, leave, and take an actual fucking break. You were very nervous about both options. You feared that waking Dark would anger him, though he didn't seem at all on edge throughout the day. Leaving would cause unnecessary drama.

You put your hands over your eyes as you felt tears forming. You lightly sobbed, both in hopes of waking Dark up and NOT waking him up. You dragged your hands down your face and sighed. It's now or never.

You glanced over at the clock first. Once you realized it was midnight, you questioned how long you'd been sitting here for, but quickly shook it off. You had to stay focused.

You used your left hand to support your body as you sat up, and your right hand was slowly drifting closer to Dark. 

"Whatcha doing there, sweetie?" Dark questioned, as you jumped, damn near falling off of the bed.

"Fucking hell." You mumbled, running your fingers through your hair. Dark was now laying on his back, his dark brown eyes staring deep into your [E/C] eyes. He had a small smirk plastered on his face. Damn you, attractive bastard.

"I wake up whenever you move. Just a natural instinct." Dark shrugged. "Anyways, what's wrong? You look distraught over something." His eyes scanned your face. Seemed like he was trying to find the answer based on your facial expression.

You cleared your throat. "W-well, um.." You stuttered, hands becoming clammy and mouth becoming dry. "I-I wanted to talk about the fight..between us the other day.." You finally spit out.

Dark suddenly sat up, and angled himself so he was facing you. He was still wearing his fucking dress shirt for some reason, it was just fully unbuttoned. Nice eye candy.

"I'm all ears, dear." Dark coaxed, flashing you a quick little smirk. Was he being sarcastic? That, you could not tell, but you really didn't want to be able to tell.

"So, you know when.." Your eyes trailed off to focus on a random spot. "When you somehow..morphed into Damien and Celine?"

You instantly regretting letting those words leave your lips. Dark's flirty facial expression instantly changed to show that he seemed hurt. Did you just call him out on something?

"[Y/N]..." He paused, his eyes currently fixated on the sheets of the bed. "It's a very..long and complicated story. I'm not sure you'd think of anything the same if you were to hear the truth."

You furrowed your eyebrows and cocked your head, confused at what Dark just said. What the fuck did he mean by "I'm not sure you'd ever think of anything the same if you were to hear the truth"? 

Dark sighed as his eyes came across your confused expression. 

"Listen. All I'm going to tell you for now is it has to do with the poker night in the mansion a few years back." 

"Wait. How does that have to do with you faking Damien and Celine's presence?" You suddenly became enraged. You thought Dark was only using the mansion to fuck with you. To get inside your head. To manipulate your thoughts to stop thinking about the fight.

"[Y/N]..please listen to me." Dark slightly pleaded as your facial expressions kept changing between disbelief and anger. "Are you absolutely sure you want me to tell you this?"

"Yes, God dammit. Stop with the bullshit." You spat, the bitterness of your tone painting every corner of the room. It felt like the words you just said were echoing off of the walls, and you hated it.

Dark cleared his throat. "Well, for starters." He paused and put his hand down on the bed to support him. "Damien and Celine..they both got killed. Killed by another entity. In other words, the house basically killed them. Whatever was in it wanted them out, along with anyone else there that night."

You were beyond confused at this point. Your mind was scrambled, thoughts were running wild, and you just wanted to cry. You just had to hear this though. You wanted to stop listening but you couldn't.

"I might as well just pop the news to you before i confuse you even more." He mumbled,his eyes glassy. "I'm a mix of both Damien and Celine, literally. Both of their souls are in my body, which was previously Damien's. That's why they both showed up during our fight. They were trying to calm you down, make you feel secure and relaxed. Having two souls in one body is not a good thing. It's fucking horrible." 

You didn't know what to do. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't fucking believe what just came out of his mouth. You sat there, dumbfounded. You felt numb, your whole body trying to reject this newfound information. 

From that point, Dark explained everything into further detail. Everything with Mark and with Wilford, along with anyone else who unfortunately met their demise that night. You didn't say anything throughout the entire talk. Dark seemed to answer all of your questions, though you didn't ask any. He must've been able to read what you were thinking through your facial expression.

When a vast majority of the truth was covered, you glanced over at the clock. It read 3:32 am. Holy fuck. You couldn't tell if you were dreaming or not. You felt like your whole life was a lie.

"Baby, I'm so sorry you had to find out the truth so late and in this way. If it was my option, i wouldn't have told you, but hey, maybe telling you will clear up some things in your mind." Dark's voice was laced with sorrow. You really couldn't blame him for anything. Though you felt like someone single handedly took your brain out of your skull and fucked it, you felt relieved to finally know what was going on. Why Dark would have sudden outbursts of anger, why his arguments with himself consisted of more than just his voice, and why he remained pretty much emotionless.

"Thank you for telling me." You managed to mutter out before you regained your emotions. The tears came rushing down your cheeks like a waterfall. Your vision was blurred and your head erupted in a painful headache.

You soon found yourself being coddled in Dark's arms. He held onto you so tightly. You couldn't help but cry even more at this. He's had an unbelievably horrible past, yet still treats you like royalty. You really did appreciate Dark, and you were glad to finally be aware, though you understood why he never talked about his issues with you. 

He lightly kissed the top of your head and rocked from side to side as he held you tightly in his arms. You were sure that he understood that everything you just heard was very hard to take in. In all honesty, you wouldn't have minded staying like that all night. 

Eventually, you turned off the lights and got snuggled up back under the covers. Dark pulled you close to him, and you felt a smile strike your lips. How could a shitty night turn into something so great?

The Truth Shines Through [Darkiplier x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now