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Everything started going fuzzy. You felt like you couldn't breathe as you saw Dark's car glitch out of existence. Eventually, it all went black.

You shot up in your bed, heart pounding at an in humane speed with tears threatening to spill. You were very confused. As you took in your surroundings, you realized that you were still in Wilford's house. Still in the guest room. Still laying in bed. It took you a a few minutes to grasp that everything that just happened was just a dream.
A very, very realistic and terrifying dream. 

And then you started crying.

Loud, ugly sobs emitted from you as you put your head in your hands, and laid back down on your back from your previous sitting position. You heard your door slam opened, with quick footsteps running towards you.

Someone grabbed your hand, and put the other one on your back to sit you back up. It was Wilford.

"It's alright, [Y/N]. You'll be alright. Deep breaths, you can do this." Wilford had no idea what was going on, but he only tried his best to comfort you. You kept crying for what seemed like hours, and Wilford stayed there the whole time. He was rubbing circles on your back with one hand, and squeezing your hand with the other. He hated seeing his friends sad.

You eventually gained back your breathing and sense of mind. Wilford must've taken that into account, because he stopped rubbing your back and loosened his grip on your hand.

"Hey, i know you might not want to talk about what made you sad, but I'm always here if you ever want to."

"I might as well tell you now." You sniffed, rolling your eyes as you remembered your mind-fucky dream. From there, you started rambling for what felt like forever. You made sure to include every tiny detail that you could remember, as the dream was already fading from your memory. Wilford's facial expressions changed with your emotions. He looked hurt for the majority of it, though he didn't do anything.

"Goodness, [Y/N]. That's horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.." Wilford hung his head, as his eyes were darting left and right. Maybe the dream fucked Wilford up more than you.

"You shouldn't be apologizing. It's not your fault." You sighed. 

Wilford didn't say anything else. In fact, got up from the side of the bed, and walked out of the room. You raised an eyebrow, as that was very unexpected of him. Oh, how you once again wished for the presence of Damien or Celine. They always knew what to say, regardless of what your issue was. You just shook your head and laid back down. You wanted to go and visit them, but how? You don't recall a proper funeral for either of them, which means there's no grave site.

The closest thing to their grave site would have to be that Godforsaken mansion. Going there would not mean just visiting where your two best friends died, but where all the others did, too. 

You had so many great memories there. That mansion was incredibly beautiful, every aspect of it. Except for the past it held. You wish you had never thought about the stupid mansion, because now you felt like you had to go, or else it'd be on your mind for the next month. 

Eventually, you just dropped the thought. You couldn't bring yourself to go to the place where your closest friends all met their fate. Maybe you'd go there some day, but not anytime soon.

You decided that laying in bed all day would just make you even more miserable, so you got out of bed for real this time. You quickly got dressed in your clothes from yesterday, a sweatshirt and jeans, and then made the bed. You walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, which was a lot different than what your mind had assumed in your dream. 

Wilford sat at the head of the kitchen table with a coffee mug in hand. He looked up at you, and adjusted his sitting position. 

You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. Wilford burnt a hole through you with his eyes, and you didn't know why. He eventually cleared his throat.

"[Y/N], as much as you don't want to hear this, it needs to be said." He broke eye contact with you. "After hearing about your dream, i would highly recommend going back home to work things out with Dark. This must really be on your mind if you had a dream as horrid as that."

You rolled your eyes as Wilford spoke. You really didn't want to go back home. You feared for what would happen, though nothing good ever happens when you hold back. You were about to argue back, but you didn't have the energy. 

"Fine." You complied, reaching in your pocket to grab your car keys. Wilford looked at you as you made your way towards the door.

"Thanks again for letting me stay, Wil. I really appreciate it. You're a big help." You said, as you saw Wilford smile.

"It's the least that i could do." 

You made your way to the door. Just as you had opened it. Wilford stopped you.

"Wait, [Y/N]!" You stopped and turned around to face him. "If Dark does anything to hurt you, let me know and I'll talk some sense into him."

"Thanks, I'll be sure to let you know how things go." And with that, you walked out the door and shut it behind you. You got in your car and instantly started on your way back home.

You had to admit, you were a bit nervous. You wanted this to go well, because you knew you still loved Dark.

Your drive home went quicker than expected, and before you knew it, you were pulling up in your driveway. Your heartbeat quickened as you stopped your car and got out. You took a deep breath before walking up to the door, hoping everything would end well.


A/N: hi everyone!! thank you guys so much for all the support!!!!! i hit 700 reads today, and im beyond grateful for that. i appreciate the feedback im getting as well!! i never expected this story to do so good.

i apologize for this chapter. it kind of jumps around a bit. im trying to upload once a week, if i can. i promise the next chapter will be better!! thanks again for everything!! see you guys then!!

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