emotions and sincerity

395 23 19

[A/N] i really appreciate all the support im getting from all of you. i almost have 1000 reads on this, and i never thought i'd ever reach that in a million years. im getting some really nice comments, too!! also, thank you guys for the votes!! thank you for everything, it makes me really happy! i've been writing ever since i was younger, and im so glad my writing has come to the point where it appeals to an audience. there are a bunch of people from around the world reading this story, and that's so amazing!!! i can't thank you guys enough, you're all such amazing people!! i hope you all enjoy this chapter, i couldn't help but smile while writing it!! See ya next update!! :D <3  

You locked your car and walked to the front door. You unlocked it and slowly twisted the knob and opened the door. You felt a rush of warm air hit you. It felt nice compared to the below freezing temperatures outside.

You walked indoors, and everything looked like it was untouched. Everything looked how it did when you left.  Dark wasn't anywhere in sight. You felt a bit relieved about that.

You shut the door behind you, and stood in the middle of the room, just looking. You didn't think you'd be back so soon. It hadn't even been a full day.

 You walked towards the staircase and passed Dark's office on the way there. The door was opened, so Dark definitely wasn't in there, though the appearance of it caught your eye. 

Papers were strewn everywhere. Picture frames that used to reside on the wall were now in pieces on the ground. There was glass everywhere. Not just picture frame glass, but it looked like there were a few smashed beer bottles. You grew more concerned at this sight.

You shut his office door and walked up the stairs. You couldn't hear anything, and it was scaring the shit out of you. At this point, you'd much rather have Dark jump out and scare you than to have your anticipation rise with every passing second.

Once you made it to the top of the stairs, your eyes were locked on the room at the end of the hallway, which was your shared room. The door was wide open. The only light coming from it looked like natural sunlight. You gulped as nausea filled your stomach. You made your way down the short hallway and stopped when you saw Dark.

He was laying on his stomach, his body sprawled out over the entire bed. He seemed to only be in the white button down shirt that is usually hidden by his suit jacket, and his dress pants. You saw his missing articles of clothing on the ground, along with the blankets from the bed. Your heart broke a little bit from this sight.

You didn't just want to just barge in, for the sake of scaring him. You lightly knocked on the door frame, and Dark reacted immediately by shooting up from the bed, with his back facing towards you.

"W-who's there?" He stuttered, his voice cracking just by saying those two words.  

You never thought in a million years that you'd ever witness him talk like that. Dark always maintained a stern voice, and to hear him stutter just made your heart hurt. Once again, you were at a loss for words.

His hair was messier than usual, and that was just from seeing the back of his head. His shirt was very wrinkled. You wondered if he had been in bed since you left.

"[Y/N]." You mumbled in a soft tone, after staying silent for what felt like hours. You were surprised he didn't snap. He must really be out of it.

He turned around quickly, and seemed shocked when his eyes were met with yours. To put the truth brutally, he looked like shit. His hair was way messier than what you had assumed, and his usual eyeliner was now anywhere but around his eyes. His face was littered with a plethora of emotions, as was yours.

"[Y/N].." Dark croaked, his bottom lip quivering. "I thought i was never gonna see you again." You saw a tear roll down his cheek. It was taking every ounce in your body to not give him a hug and a kiss. The dream you had really messed you up, which is why you were taking things slow, per say.

"I-I'm so sorry for my actions yesterday. I can't even begin to express all the sorrow that filled my heart once you walked out that door..It was like i lost a part of me.." Dark stammered while pacing the room. Damn, that was deep.

"Please tell me you're not giving me the silent treatment." He pleaded, as he stopped his pacing and looked dead into your eyes. "I-I mean..you h-have every right to." He looked off to the side and his head drooped a bit. That was all it took for you to break.

"No, baby, don't say that!" You said, as you gave in. You rushed towards Dark and engulfed him in a hug, squeezing him so tight that it knocked the air out of the both if you. He wiggled his arms out from your monster grip, and wrapped them around you, holding you with more force than you. He leaned his head on your shoulder as he started lightly sobbing while mumbling "I'm sorry" and "I love you" multiple times.

"I t-treated you like s-shit..all b-because i couldn't handle my s-stupid emotions." Dark mumbled into your shoulder. Maybe you shouldn't have left when you two had the fight. The best thing to do would've been to talk it out instead of leaving your poor emotionally distraught boyfriend alone and stranded. 

"I-I just want to let you know that i didn't mean a single word i said yesterday.." He lifted his head up, and was now resting his chin on your shoulder. "You're such a beautiful person who deserves the world and so much more..yet i treat you like shit."

"Listen, Dark, we take our issues out on the ones we love the most. I understand, it's okay." You rubbed his back gently. "Just, next time, please come to me. I can try my best to help you. I'll always be here for you." You reassured him. Dark might seem like a passive aggressive sociopath, but on the inside, he's just a big softie. You're the only one who ever really sees that side of him. 

"[Y/N], I can't thank you enough for your understanding of this. I promise it won't happen again." Dark declared, as he lifted his head up from your shoulder. His arms went from around your back to around your waist, and his face was now directly in front of yours.

You put your arms around his neck, and he smiled at you. That smiled was something you haven't seen in years, and it made you smile in return.

"I love you so much, [Y/N], you have no idea. I'll try my best to protect you from now on."

Your eyes started welling with tears-happy tears. He was actually sincere, and you were sure of it. If he wasn't, he would've pulled some sneaky shit already, which he didn't. 

"I can't begin to describe how much i love you, Dark." You smiled while looking deep into eyes. His eyes lit up and your heart fluttered a bit.

Dark chuckled, and leaned in to give you a kiss. It was a quick little peck, but you still loved it. Dark seemed to be changing for the better, and you were all for it.

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