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You slept so well at Wilford's house that night. Maybe it was because the bed was super comfy, or because you didn't have a body next to yours..

You knew that things with you and Dark were going downhill, but you wanted to prevent anything bad from spiking up. Unfortunately, you could only control yourself. Dark must've had different plans.

You awoke to the sun shining through the window, thus illuminating the whole room. You felt so relaxed, almost too relaxed. Things still sucked between you and Dark, but at least you were trying to make the most out of it.

You knew that if Dark ever decided to reach out to you again, you'd end up falling back into his arms. You hated yourself for that. You knew he was no good for you. There seemed to be endless amounts of hatred in that man. Like his whole existence was formed off of negativity.

Sure, you had your moments where you hated the world and everyone in it. Everybody has that in them. Everybody has their off days. But with Dark, it seemed like everyday was an off day. His sour mood started to bring your's down too, as much as you tried to fight it. This wasn't good for you, and you knew damn well what was going on, but a part of you believed that he could change. Change for the better.

As you snapped out of your daze, you heard footsteps walking towards your door. You laid there, waiting for who you assumed as Wilford, to come in and check.

Without hesitation, the door opened. You turned your head to face the door, and you were met with Wilford staring you down with a small smile on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused at the man standing in the doorway.

"Oh, you're awake!" Wilford exclaimed, squinting his eyes a bit. He should really invest in some glasses.

"Yeah." You responded, rolling your eyes.

"No need to be rude, [Y/N]." He scrunched up his nose. "Anyways, I have something for you in the kitchen. Come out whenever you're ready." And with that, he shut your door.

You furrowed your eyebrows, as you turned your head to face the ceiling again. You didn't know what Wilford had in store for you in the kitchen. Maybe it was breakfast?

You groaned as you set your feet down on the floor, forcing you to sit up. Your curiosity had forced you out of bed. As you got up, you glanced at the mirror on the wall besides your bed. It was cracked, however, your reflection was still completely visible. Your hair was a mess, and your eyes were bloodshot. Oh yeah, last night happened.

You opened your door and walked out, lightly shutting it behind you. You heard faint voices coming from the other side of the hallway, so you followed the sound until you were lead to the kitchen.

Upon your arrival, you heard Wilford shushing someone, which made you even more concerned. You picked up your footing, as well as your heartbeat. Once your bare feet hit the cold tile of the kitchen, you were shocked by what stood in front of you.

What you saw was Wilford, with a smile on his face, and that all too familiar aura behind him. Your original worried facial expression turned flat, as if you had all the emotion sucked out of you, which was probably what had happened.

"Look, [Y/N]," Wilford started, "I know you probably don't want to see Dark right now.." He paused, as you heard a sigh emit from Dark, who was still behind Wilford, "But we've been talking for the past few hours, and he really regrets his actions. I'm a man of my words, and i wouldn't lie to you about this."

Wilford moved off to the side, and revealed Dark.

You stood there, eyebrows now furrowed once again, as Dark looked you dead in the eyes. His face looked how it did when you two fought; littered with emotion. He didn't have a shit eating grin on his face, in fact, his gray, stern complexion seemed to soften up a bit. He didn't look as stern. The look you had left your face once Dark opened his mouth.

"Listen, [Y/N]," Dark sighed, as everything he said or did was followed by an echo, "I know some things were said last night...some a bit more on the harsh side.." He shook his bangs out of his face with one swift head movement, and then cleared his throat, "But you need to understand that I wasn't in a good condition. I'm taking all of the blame for this. All you did was try to help me, yet I blew up in your face."

Your whole body was shaking. You didn't know why, but it was freaking you out. Your heart was beating at an inhumane speed, and you were at a loss for words at this point. Dark must've seen your actions, because he started talking again.

"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know how to express my emotions, so I took it out on the one I loved the most," He paused. "Which is you. You can have all the time you need to make your decision."

You felt your eyes well up with tears, in fact, you think you might've seen Dark shed a tear as well. You felt all warm on the inside, and you also felt relief. Relieved to know that Dark has at least a little good inside him. You felt a small smile spread across your lips, as your posture relaxed.

"Don't worry, Dark. I understand. We all say things when we're upset or hurting. Though you claim to not be human, you're not discounted from feeling human emotion." You said, hoping it sounded alright.

Your mind wasn't liking this one bit. A part of you wanted to give him another chance, and the other part of you was screaming for you to deny his apology and never talk to him again. It was odd of Dark to act so sincere, but you guessed it was because he really meant it. Though, he is the king of manipulation..

Dark's facial expression changed drastically once he heard your response. He grinned from ear to ear, which was something you hadn't seen him do since you two first met.

You saw Dark open his arms as you walked towards him, you arms opened as well. He grabbed you into a tight embrace for the first time in ages. You enjoyed it, and you would've enjoyed it even more if it lasted forever. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end.

You let go of each other, and Dark looked at you, and smiled.

"Shall we go now?" He asked. You couldn't believe you were doing this, once again. Your mind was telling you no, but you were saying yes.

"Of course!" You exclaimed. "You go outside, I'll meet you there." Dark completely let go of you, and went out the front door. You sighed, and turned to face Wilford.

"Thank you so much, Wilford. I'm glad that whatever you talked to him about knocked some sense into him." You said, walking over to Wilford to give him a hug. You couldn't express how much this meant to you. You knew Dark had a high tolerance level for Wilford, and Dark was always super over protective when it came to him. You didn't question it. They've been close ever since the mansion incident. Funny thing is, you don't remember Dark being around before that night..

"I'm glad I could help, and that it went well, too." Wilford hugged you back. After the hug ended, you walked to where your room was. You made the bed, grabbed anything you had brought there, and left.

As you walked out the door, you saw Dark leaning on the hood of your car with his arms crossed. You lost the pep in your step once you saw that his stern look had returned to his once love struck face.

"You're too easy, [Y/N]." Dark chuckled.

You stopped a few feet in front of him. You gulped, as your heart sped up once again, and you got that nauseating feeling in your stomach.

"W-What do you mean?" You stuttered, not being able to muster together your words once again.

"You know exactly what I mean." Dark spat back at you. "Manipulation is key, my dear." He smirked, as he got off of your car. He lightly pushed you out of his way when he walked over to his car. He got in and drove away without hesitation.

You knew exactly what you had gotten yourself into, but there was no turning back now.

The Truth Shines Through [Darkiplier x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now