3 years later

16 0 0

ok... by now i was with Jake. We were sixteen and we always saw each other. By now we had finished school and i was going camping with his family. Alysha was still my best friend. And y life was perfect. My brother had moved out so i turned his room into walk in wardrobe and my room was extended so i have a stage. I love it.

    I was going camping tomorrow so my suitcase was packed and i was so excited.

                                      The next morning......

'KNOCK KNOCK'   I yawned and rubbed my eye 'Yes?' i said

'You had better wake up missie, its 8, Jakes coming for you at half 8 '

I yawned once again and drifted off... WHAT!!! JAKES COMING IN HALF AN HOUR!!!!

I quickly jumped out of bed and brushed my teeth, of course everything was packed, but i had a new tooth brush to go on my holibobs, so i as okay. I quickly got changed and did my hair. It was 8:20 and i was ready, RECORD! I ran down and grabbed my shoes,  dad passed on the way.

'hey hunny, anything i can do?' He politely asked

'Yeah please, can you  go into my room, grab my suitcase and my 2 bags and my handbag and bring it all down...?

'Haha, you dont ask for much do you princess, haha only joking sure'

I chuckled. Just then a knock at the front door, it was Jake.

'Hey babe, you ready?'

'Hi Jake, yeah, Dads just getting my stuff.' 

At that dad came down the stairs straining. Jake hopped in the house and ran to the stairs to help my dad.

' youve got goodens there babe, A dad whos willing to do anything for his princess and a lovely boyfriend. You had better keep 'em ' Said mum popping out from the front room.

'Dont worry, shes mine. I will never let her go. I will cherish her forever, i worship the ground she walks on' Said Jake coming down the stairs.

me and mum turned our heads and he was at the bottom of the stairs and went over and gave him a massive hug.

' careful babe, dont want to drop your bags now do we?'

i chuckled and went back to mum.

'now, be a good girl. have fun. but be good okay?' mum said.

'yes mum.' i sighed

she gave me a hug and i kissed her on the cheek

'bye mum, bye bye daddy.'

he dropped my suitcase and one bag and hugged me whilst kissing me on th head

'see you in a week princess, bye Lil, have fun, Bye Jake, look after my girl.

we all laughed and at that me and Jake went to his car. I got in the back whilst Jake put my stuff in the boot, then he came in with my hand bag. There car was quite big so it was nice. Mum and Dad came out to talk to Sue and Jack (Jakes parents)

They talked for a while and then finally we went, my mum and dad waving us off.

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