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In the car, Jakes mum had the map in her hand reading it, even though they had the sat nav, Jakes dad was driving and listening to his sort of songs, Jake himself was sleeping so i thought i would lean forward and help his mum.

'its this way Sue' Sue had the map upside down

'oh, haha, did you hear that love? i had it upside down haha. Thank you Lil' she said

'its my pleasure hehe' i replied

i had my feet up on the seats leaning forward and at that i felt  a tickle on my feet. i turned around to see Jake half awake smiling, i smiled back and sat back down.

'You okay babe?' Jake asked

'hehe, yeah you did you have nice sleep lazy?' i asked but he knew didn't mean it so he just laughed.

Finally after hours of driving we arrived. It was Haven, you could have your tent but there was a caravan too. We got to the queue.

'yes... yes please... great... oh hang on.. Love o you want to rent a caravan for only 100 pound more pleaseee..? okay we will okay thanks.... bye... bye...'

'so your telling me we brought the tent for nothing' Sue Said

'ummm... well... i sort of forgot to put the tent it' Said Jakes dad. We all laughed and drove off.

'right, leave everything in the car. they are cleaning out the caravan so they will bring the key to the main office. Shall we go swimming?'

we all agreed, grabbed out swimming stuff and went swimming.

When we were swimming there was this lad about 18 who was showing off doing backflips and jumping around being stupid. But all the girls were around him, i was with Jake.

'im just going to get a drink babe okay?' Jake said. i nodded and sat on the side od the pool. i saw the boy coming over to me.

'heyy... he said. 'i like you...' He said so i backed a little and he tried to kiss me but jake came rubbing and pushed him into the pool so i kissed Jake and out we got.

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