3 years later

12 0 0

I know I skipped but wanna cut to the chase. ellie xxxx

I was now 20. Jake was 22. We had out own house. It ws my birthday today, my 21st, i was so excited it was unbelievable. I woke up in mine and Jakes huge bedroom.  We had a massive house. It was like Alyshas old house where her mum lives.

'Happy birthdy to you, happy birthday t you, happy birthday to Lili, haooy birthday to you.'

Jake walked in singing with birthday cake in his hand, you know the cheap asdas home make ones but at least i had one.

'thanks baby' i said

' speaking of baby, ive been thinking. we have been together for what? 5 years? and we have this massive house. and i REALLYYYYYY want a family of our own...?' jke said

now this usually took a long think but i thought that too.

'yes, i have been thinking the same Jake, lets do it!

jake gave me a massive grin and squeezed me tight. what he didnt know was... i was already 11 weeks pregnant, i had only found out yesterday though.

' Jake, it might be sooner thank you think...'


'im already 11 weeks pregnant, tomorrow i will be 12 weeks and the da after is my scan but i only found out yesterday, please dont be mad'


He lifted me up and spun me round before plopping me down and kissing me on the nose.

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