Jake P.O.V

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Four people carefully cut me out of the car, i looked to see Lili but they wouldnt let me. She was still in the car, what had happened to her if they wouldnt let me see her? They took me into one o the our ambulances and carefully wiped me face, i winced at every wipe, they must of been cleaning my cuts or something.

' is Lili okay?' i asked but the doctor just smiled, it was no use even asking.

' You look all good to be honest, is anywhere hurting though?' The doctor kindly asked with a smile.

' My arm is hurting a little but my leg is hurting a lot' i replied

'okay, we'll take you to the hospital now.'

I went in the ambulance without lili, i felt so guilty. When i got there they took me for an x-ray on my arm first. The lady moved it back and forward and back and forward. It was killing me now.

'okay so the x-ray shows that your arm isn't broke but very bruised and sprained so your gonna need a support bandage on it'

they put the support on and then i went for my leg. They saw that this was broken and i would need a cast and crutches.

'okay so we have put it all on now but just to jazz it up a bit which colour bandage would you like ey?'

'Blue please'

'blue it is'

once she had put that on i was able to go, I grabbed my crutches and went to the desk.

' hi can you tell me where Lili is, i dont need to ay her last name becuase you spell her first name L I L I,  well shes probably down and Lilian, aged 21? 'l

' yes love shes just come in and not ready for seeing yet, the doctors are still with her  she should be about 1 hour to 2 hours, room 23'

'okay thank you very much'

The doctors came out to about 4 hours later to tell me lili was in coma and she only woke up about half an hour ago.

'Heres the bad news. Lili is paralysed and the baby is not okay, your no longer having a baby. im terribly sorry.l

i started crying then put on a brave face and went in to see Lil.

' have you heard Jake? im so sorry...' she said

i hugged her and told her it was fine.

after about 3 weeks lili was let out of hospital.

i had planned her a surprise party. it was so good and everyone came. And thats the night i proposed

'Lili, you've changed my life for the better, i love you so much so will you make my fairy tale amd dream come true and will you do the honour of putting up with me forever an ever and will you marry me?'

' yes jake of course i will!'

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