day 2

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I woke up to see the curtains open, the bedroom all lovely and Jake not in bed but walking in our room with pancakes, i stat up and he gave them to me. hes lovely, im so lucky.

'Hey gorgeous girlie, how are you lazy bum?' Jake asked

'hey babe, im good thanks and these pancakes are great, so is this tea. shame you havent got any haha'' i replied. Jake jumped up and went into the other room... he came backwith loads of pancakes.

'i have now hahahahahahah' we both laughed and ate our pancakes.

about 2 oclocck we went out to get a slush, i got red, green and blue and Jake got  red and blue.  he had his three quarter length shorts on and a top with his toms. and sunglasses and i had my shorts on, my top tucked in, my nike forces and my sunglasses.

I really did love Jake.

We all decided not to go to the club tonight, so me and Jake went out to grab some logs and sticks to make a fire. When we got back Jakes mum and dad had the stuff ready so we chucked on the stuff and all sat around. Jakes dad went in and came back out with loads of special tools an marshmallows. They were lovely roasted. I git a little cold and Jake saw me shiver and rub my arm so he quickly took off his Jun poo at and popped it over my head. I smiled at Jim and kissed him.

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