(4) Gotta Zane

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Vilu's P.O.V

Vilu: ok that's fine

Adriana: thank you

Vilu: But why do you want me to do them??

Adriana: because I want to have the same experiences as you, I'm still going to be princess I just wanted travel around you know, plus I'm already seeing someone

Vilu: who??

Adriana: prince Austin, ever since Jade left the kingdom was back to its bright and loving way instead of every inch of if it being dark plus I'm helping him restore the kingdom

Vilu: That's nice of Queen of Adwield

Adriana: Vilu stop we're not even engaged

Vilu: not yet

Adriana: (changing the subject) anyway, are you going to do it??

Vilu: I'll do it but when do I have to it??

Adriana: don't get mad but next weekend

Vilu: what??

Adriana: Oh look at the time, gotta Zane (disappeared)

Vilu: this girl really is my sister

I went back inside and sat back

Katrina: so what happened??

Vilu: well she's seeing Austin and she's travelling everywhere

Katrina: like the oldest triplet Austin??

Vilu: yup

Katrina: never thought that would happen

Vilu: me neither and I'm going back home next weekend for some family business

Katrina: ok

20 minutes later...

After hanging out with the girls, Katrina and I went back to the house

Cami: hey you two

Vilu: hey

Katrina: now tell us why you have to go home for some family business in 3 three weeks

Vilu: well you see Adriana wants me to do her princess duties so she could travel the galaxies and see what she missed

Ludmi: what did you say??

Vilu: yes of course,she's my sister

Naty: that's nice of you

Boys: (dumped water on the girls)

Vilu: (got angry and shot lava at him)

Fede: sorry??


Fede: I'll take that as a no

Diego: (floating in the air) guys help

Leon: (was being controlled) what is happening

Boys: (was doing weird things)

5 minutes later...

Girls: (calmed down)

Boys: (stopped doing weird things)

Vilu: (looked at her book of magic history) oh god (closed the book)

Maxi: do you know what's happening

Vilu: so I read a chapter and apparently we're supposed to be protecting Earth

Cami: why??

Vilu: when your born your related to a goddess or god,like I'm related to the goddess of fire

Diego: how does that even work

Vilu: they basically pick you and they're watching you

Jacqueline: stalker much??

Vilu: it's not actually stalking they're just watching over us

Ciara: So what do we call them

Vilu: as you know the elf queens are 1 set of godparents the goddesses or gods are our other set

Jake: makes sense

Andre: so when can we see our godparents??

Vilu: we could summon them but we'll do it tomorrow after school

Fran: sounds like a plan

Since we didn't go food shopping yet we ordered some Chinese food and watched a couple movies and then went to sleep


· I will update tomorrow

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· See you tomorrow

- Amani

The Element Sisters: The Guardians (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now