(18) Stress

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Darlene: Divine, I'm highly upset with you

Derek: What were you thinking, trying to kill your cousin?

Divine: Father its not fair, that throne should be mine!

Darlene: That throne was never going to be yours

Derek: I gave the throne to my little brother for a reason Divine, I didn't want to be King

Divine: I want to be Queen and if I have to, I will kill them

Darlene: Oh no you won't missy (Uses her powers on Divine)

Divine: (tries to use her powers) what did you do?

Darlene: I took away your power, you don't deserve it

Divine: you'll regret this mother, and so will you father. All of you will!

Darlene: guards, take her to the towers

Guard: yes my lady (escorts Divine to the towers)


Vilu: (sighs and sets her notebook down)

Leon: what's wrong my love?

Vilu: I feel like I'm gonna loose my mind, with the wedding planning,school, finishing this spell and finding whoever is behind these attacks is making me frustrated

Leon: How about you stop wedding planning for a while and you and the girls have a girls day (smiles)

Vilu: but who's gonna finish the spell and potion for the house and everyone?

Leon: the boys and I got this

Vilu: are you sure?

Leon: absolutely, you have nothing to worry about

Vilu: umm...sure

Leon: you don't

Vilu: I'm gonna get dressed now (walks in her closet)

1 hour later....

Fran: I can't believe we left the boys alone to finish the spell and potion

Vilu: I was a little skeptical about it but we need this girls day

Libby: yes we did, all this is getting us stressed

Naty: we should do more stuff like this

Cami: yeah, let's just hope they're working and not playing around

With The Boys

Boys: (playing video games)

Andre: wasn't there something we were supposed to do?


Diego: OH MY GOD, I DIED AGAIN (throws controller)

Leon: that sounds like a personal problem Diego

Diego: (rolls his eyes)

Jay: bro, weren't we supposed to finish that spell?

Justing: oh god, you're right

Boys: (runs to the potion room)

Maxi: sooo what do we do?

Fede: (looks at his phone) guys... we have two hours till the girls get home

Boys: (freaks out)

Andre: I refuse to sleep on the couch tonight!!

Boys: SAME!


Hey guys, I'm back after a very long break. I've had a great summer but I missed writing my books so here I am. I have school in a couple weeks so I'm going to have to figure out a schedule but comment what book you want updated.

Love you guys💜💜

- Amani

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