(14) Anniversary Ball gone Wrong

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Vilu's P.O.V

The next,I was in the ballroom making sure everything was on track and nothing was out of place

Vilu: raise the banner (yawned) a little (yawned) higher

Ludmi: you've been up since 4 in the morning you should go rest

Vilu: I'm fine (yawned) just a little sleepy

Fran: Vilu

Vilu: fine but only for an hour and then i'll help again

Naty: thank you

Vilu: (went up to her room and went to sleep)

Adriana: she works to hard

Cami: and she never wants to stop

Naty: it's good to have a friend like Vilu

Ludmi: yeah

At 7

Ludmi: Vilu

Vilu: hmm??

Fran: Its time to wake up

Vilu: why,I want to sleep more

Naty: it's 7 and the ball that you planned starts in an hour

Cami: so unless you don't get up now you'll be late

Vilu: (got up) fine im up,happy

Fran: very

Once I was finally awake,I took a shower,did my hair and makeup and put on my heels and dress

Once I was finally awake,I took a shower,did my hair and makeup and put on my heels and dress

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Vilu: (closed her bedroom door)

Cami: finally

Vilu: it takes time to look like this

Naty: come on guys

The girls and I walked into the ballroom and I saw the ballroom decorated and everyone dancing,talking and having fun

Vilu: wow,you girls did a great job

Fran: thanks we wanted everything to be perfect

Vilu: without any help or magic?

Cami: nope, we didn't need it

Boys: (walked over to the girls)

Fede: so where's the cupcakes you promised us for helping you guys??

Vilu: (looked at the girls) looks like you did need help

Naty: maybe a little bit

Leon: we did most of the work

Vilu: of course you did

Ludmi: at least the ballroom is decorated

Vilu: your right about that,now let's dance

On The Dance Floor

Vilu: Did you pack your clothes already?

Leon: I kinda need help,nothing will fit in my suitcase

Vilu: don't worry i'll help you before we leave

Leon: thanks your the best

Vilu: no problem (sniffed the air)

Leon: babe what are you doing??

Vilu: I smell poison

Leon: I smell it too

Vilu: (looked at Ludmi)

Ludmi: (was about to drink the punch)

Vilu: (ran over to her and broke her glass)

Ludmi: what was that for??

Vilu: someone poisoned the punch

Everyone: (gasped)

??: Vilu stop ruining my fun

Everyone: (double gasp)

Vilu: (eyes widen)


I will update soon

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See you soon

- Amani

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