(16) The Remedy

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Vilu's P.O.V

Julia: hey Vilu

Vilu: hi girls

Tina: so after classes we're going to come over and put the finishing touches on the outfits

Vilu: ok sounds cool

Julia: so hows the wedding planning going?

Vilu: great actually,everyone is coming to the wedding so all we need left to do is find the dresses,decide on what food we want,and where we want to engrave our names at

Tina: engrave your names?

Vilu: yes,its tradition that every royal family member of Embrera that gets married has to engrave their name on one of the fountains in the center of the kingdom

Tina: does it stand for something?

Vilu: yes,it gives the couple long lasting love and happy till death do them part

Julia & Tina: awww

Vilu: I know,(looked at her phone) class is about to start,we should go

Tina: yeah

During Class...

Rita: so as I was saying, your outfits are due tomorrow and I can't wait to see what you guys made inspired by the materials I showed you

Lara: miss when are we leaving?

Rits: Lara don't make me call your parents

Lara: whatever

Rita: I just want to remi-


Rita: (eyes widen) everyone out tue class now!!

Everyone: (ran out the class)

Vilu: what's happening

Tina: I don't know

Ludmi: (ran up to them) guys we need to transform now

Julia: Ludmila what's happening?

Ludmi: there's all these monsters outside

Vilu: where's everyone else?

Ludmi: the boys are holding them off as long as they while we transform and the girls are waiting in the empty room right...here

Girls: (ran inside the classroom)

Fran: there you are, we need to transform now!!

Ludmi: (sprinkled some sliver dust on them)

Cami: Ludmila what did you do?

Ludmi: wait and see Camila

Girls: (transformed into their fairy form)

Girls: (transformed into their fairy form)

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Katrina: I love these so much

Jacqueline: they're so cute

Ludmi: why thank you (bowed)

Leon: (ran in with the boys) are you girls ready?

Vilu: yes

We all flew out the window and let me tell you.....there were these big ass monsters attacking 

there were these big ass monsters attacking 

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Julia: its time to fight...again

Everyone: (fighting the monsters)

Vilu: (fighting the dragon)

Leon: (sliced a head off the hydra)

2 hours later....

Monsters: (disappeared)

Andre: what just happened?

Tina: I don't know

Fede: we need to figure out who's sending these monsters

Diego: well,lets go home

Everyone: (cheered)

Fran: (eyes widened) they saw us figgt,tgey know magic is real, omg we're gonna die

Ciara: Fran calm down

Jacqueline: (opened a portal) come on guys

We all went through the portal and we were all in the kitchen

Maxi: how about pizza for dinner?

Broduey: aounds good to me

Later that night....

Vilu: (winced in pain)

Leon: Vilu are you ok?

Vilu: no, my arm

Leon: (looked at her arm) Vilu I think that wearwolf/scorpion or whatever it is Must've pinched you with it posioner

Vilu: it really hurts Leon

Leon: hold up Vilu (went inti the bathroom and cane out with a jar) this will stop the posion

Vilu: where did you get?

Leon: while we were visiting home, mom gave me jars of remedies for the house so if anything happens we can heal with these (applied the cream on her arm)

Vilu: (whimpered in pain)

Leon: im sorry my love but the pain will go away soon

After Leon was finished applying the cream on my arm,he put the jar away

Leon: good night Vilu

Vilu: good night Leo


I will update soon

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- Amani 🔥❄

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