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Vilu's P.O.V (Friday)

Leon: which shirt should I pack for Saturday?? (Held up two shirts)

Vilu: the red one

Leon: of course

Vilu: (closed her 3rd suitcase) listen,red is my favorite and I just love the color red on you

Leon: oh really (smirked)

Vilu: yes it looks hot on you

Leon: so how about we go on a date

Vilu: sure what time

Leon: 7:30 we'll go to your favorite restaurant back home

Vilu: really??

Leon: really

Vilu: I can't wait (got excited) oh no

Leon: oh no what??

Vilu: I need to pack another suitcase then (ran into her closet)

Leon: (sighed)

1 hour later...

Cami: (opened portals) is everyone ready??

Diego: yeah

Naty: see you guys tomorrow night

Everyone bye (went through a portal)

German & Angie: (hugged Vilu)

Vilu: hey guys

Angie: welcome back Vilu

Vilu: thanks,so where's Adriana??

German: she's somewhere around here

Adriana: (running from her teachers) hey dad,Angie,Vilu

Vilu: ana are you ok?

Adriana: oh I'm fine just hiding from Madame Susan

Vilu: (laughs)

Adriana: it's not funny

Vilu: it kinda is but if you need me I'll be in my office

In Vilu's office

Vilu: (sat at her desk)

As I was looking through papers a gold envelope caught my eye

    Dear Princess Violetta,Since you arrived home one year ago, you have missed the annual balls that the kingdoms hold to celebrate the day we call "The 5 kingdom war" or "The elemental war". Sunday is the day we will celebrate,we pick a kingdom to the hold the ball every year and this year we chose your family to hold it.

- The council of all magics

Vilu: (got excited and called the girls)

Girls: (teleported in her office)

Nary: is there something wrong??

Libby: we're not under attack are we??

Vilu: no just read this (handed them the letter)

Girls: (read it and got excited)

Ludmi: can we help??

Vilu: duh that's why I called you now let's go tell my parents

In the throne room...

Vilu: dad

German: Yes sweetheart??

Vilu: we got picked to host the ball on Sunday

Angie: that's amazing sweetie

Cami: Adriana do you want to help??

Adriana: I wish I could but I have two fittings for the balls Saturday and Sunday,and I still have classes

Fran: its ok,so when you have time we'll be in the gardens

Adriana: ok (signed some papers)

After getting some supplies,the girls and I sat in the gardens planning the ball while drinking our tea

Ludmi: I love these color schemes

Vilu: so I was thinking that we should put our symbols on the walls of the ballroom

Cami: that's a great idea


Girls: (stood up)

Libby: what was that??


I hope you liked chapter 11

What do you think will happen next??

See you soon

- Amani

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