(6) We can Fly

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Vilu's P.O.V 2 weeks later...

Hestia: Violetta and Ludmila my goddaughters

Ludmi: wait a minute we're related

Vilu: I guess so (laughed)

Rosé: So why were we summoned??

Katrina: we need help

Hestia: what is it my dear??

Ludmi: you see our powers have been acting a little weird and now the boys can fly without wings

Rosé: As you know the gods pick people to save a planet from harm every 23 years and looks like it's you 18 kids this year

Cami: what does that mean??

Hestia: you have to protect Earth from harm

Fran: but what harm??

Hestia: you will know soon

Rosé & Hestia: (disappeared out of nowhere)

Jacqueline: (sighed)

Leon: at least I can keep my laser eyes

Fede: don't forget my super strength

Andre: plus we can fly

Girls: (groaned)

The Next Day....

When I woke up,I did my daily routine,did my hair,makeup and got dressed

When I woke up,I did my daily routine,did my hair,makeup and got dressed

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Katrina: hey Vilu??

Vilu: yeah kat

Katrina: you know how Hestia and Rosé said that every 23 years the gods pick 18 people to save a planet from harm

Vilu: yeah

Katrina: (opened a book) looks its all of our parents

Vilu: looks like they were the last generation before us

Vilu: wait a minute there isn't 18 people there's 20

Katrina: remember how Tina and Julia said the same thing was happening was happening to them??

Vilu: yeah

Katrina: maybe that's their parents

Vilu: probably is,but I have to go see ya

Katrina: see you later


• I will update later

• How are you liking the story so far??

• And guys I'm so sad I just find out that I have to wait till March till Shadowhunters come back and I was like really. You don't understand I fangirl over that show and now I have to wait 2 months, 2 freaking months

*Sighs*I'm fine now

See ya

- Amani

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