Taking over and shooting

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We all said we wanted the prison am my mom noticed chandler and I said ohhhh that's me and Zoe's friend chandler he yelled yeah your daughter is the girl who almost killed me!!!i smile to my mom and she said madalyn!?well anyways lets go to the prison and shot and take over we all went running to the prison and started shooting it took hours till we finished we cleared out every cell block and everything we tied up holes in the fence with paracord we pick out our room and everyone it there own room I got the one by my mom than Jeremy to my right and to my left Zoe than Noah but Noah had to let Sarah sleep with him she got too bunk an he had I get bottom and his sister Zoe laughed I smiled.so anyways everyone els was smart to get top bunk so we put all our stuff up and I went to the kitchen to see what they had..I walked threw the doors and went to the back where the place to get your food was I seen 36 boxes full of packages of Powdered milk with 24 Packs of it in each I seen 19 big 2 gallon cans of beans and peas 6 boxes of chicken flavored roman noodles 6 boxes of the beef ones and 6 boxes of the shrimp ones and in each box there's 24.there was also a pair of can openers and in storage there was 20 2 gallon things of peas am same with beans and 9 boxes of each roman noodles and 40 more boxes of powdered milk and 12 things of fruit loops 6 things of rice Chripsies and 6 things of cinnamon toast crunch and also 12 cans of coffee

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