Shaking so sick

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People were yelling wake up wake up but madalyn wouldn't budge.finally she started growning and woke up.she sat up slowly than stood up.he said I'm ok I'm ok than walked outside onto the cold november was about 6am.

Madalyn's pov

I was walking around on the rode to get some fresh air so I decided to look for some supplies and stuff so I walked to a truck and climbed onto the back to look into truck bed and I seem nothing but empty water bottles.ugh I moaned and climbed black down.i looked at my side. I seen it was bleeding so I walked back to the rv.when I got back I walked inside and I started shaking and dizzy so I went and got a salt packet I found on the floor and ate it.than I stopped shaking so I now new why I passed out my blood sugar was low

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