Bringing atuff back and going on more runs

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It has been 7 months sence this out break has happened I madalyn,is right now sitting on her bunk in the bunk beds right now I am putting on a comefither for the wonder and fall months it is October 1.Noah and Jeremy are getting ready to go on runs to get some suplize because we r running out of ammo and is 6am I woke up at 5 Noah and Jeremy leave at 7.they are packing up right now.

I have been 59 mins so they r now heading out and going off I walked outside with them to say good bye they drove off down the rode.

I asked my mom if me and Zoe could go out to the woods with my truck and get some wood and stuff my mom said we were to young but I'm 16and she's 17!!plz mom she finally said yes!!YAY I screamed and ran to Zoe I told her and we went outside and got into my truck I drove behind the prison to the woods and got out an walked inside.i had a game bag and a bucket and a ga for fruit. Zoe had a small wheelbarrow.we went off separate ways she went to get wood I went I get food and water I put my game bag and fruit bag over my shoulders and walked off.i found a apple tree and a black berry bush I picked apples and black berries.i found some mulberries and miskidines and found a creak and tan and got the bucket full of water so I picked some and walked off I found some raspberries and picked some.i herd something and turned around with y gun pointing at it it was chandler and Sarah I put the gun walks off they walked behind me.i walked till I seen a tore up tent so I said to them to be quite and I walked over to it I walked inside I found a pot a pan and some old nasty clothes I grabbed the pot an pan and turned around and seen a zombie comming at me I backed up to the edge of the tent and fell down it came closer so I kicked it and screamed HELP!!chandler can running and killed it I got up and hugged him bc he just saves my life than I got back to looking for stuff I gave the pot and pan to chandler and found 3 horses tied to a tree me chandler and Sarah got on one we rode back to the truck to see Zoe with the wheelbarrow full of wood and a dead squirrel in her hand I told her to take my stuff and go back home she did as well and we all also found 9 pigs 3 baby's an the rest grown and she got them in the back of the truck and head off me Sarah and chandler followed behind Zoe found some fence and go it we got back to the prison and put horses in stables and pigs in fences. We got back the same time as Noah and them we all went inside together.i put the water by the kitchen and SMS switch the squirrel Zoe had as I did the same with all my stuff and Zoe out the wood outside.noah showed u what they found they found 5 things of 500 bullets a bad of beans some bottles of water 5 cans of corn and 10 ten gallon buckets of gas.

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