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It was Sunday November 11,it was 12 pm and everyone were outside gardening or hunting I was on the hunting so was all the girls but my mom Alyssa wanted to garden and so did Judith so me Madalyn and everyone els went with a backpack to go on a supply run we hoped in my truck and the people that wouldn't fit we're in the back.i got in the driver seat and drove off into the city near by,it was 45 mins I think then we got there.we all got out and went into a stores alone..I walked into a gas station and seen it was totally wrecked I found someone's jacket and a gun cocking so I cocked my gun but didn't do soon enough..I madalyn got shot in the left side of my stomach.i dropped my gun and fell down with blood covering my side.i herd some people running inside I herd Zoe scream EMME and jacklyn grabbing a towel and Alex finding the people who shot me and ENDED UP LETTING THEM IN OUR TEAM!!!!i felt that I was being dragged into the back of a truck and I finally came to a full pass out.i could still fill ad hear thow.i felt the truck drive off and came to a stop and people yelling and running.i felt myself get picked up by someone and Layed on the grass and demands being yelled like I need water needle thread cloth rag tweezers and a gun just in case she turns.i herd people running with the stuff I guess and my shirt being lifted up a little.and water on the wound I felt a gun being cocked and Layed beside the person than I felt the tweezers go into me and to get bullet fragments and also a needle going in my skin and out in that pattern that after that picked up agin and Layed onto a bed.a few days past and I was still in a coma I guess than I finally opens my eyes.tried to sit up and stood up but fell onto the ground I got back up and herd some moaning an seen walkers so I took my key to my cell and shut the door slowly looked under my bed to grab a doffel bag and backpack.bckpack held the items of

First aid kit

12 Cans of food

3 water bottles

150 bullets to my 22

And a can opener

In the duffel bag




9 milaleder

Pocket knife

2 lighters

Family photo


And cross

I got my stuff on my back opened the door as ran out shooting.

I ran into the kitchen and shut the door and piled stuff I

In front of it.

I seen a window an climbed to it and opened it seeing bars so I took my only grenade opened it placed it they and ran and hid behind a counter 45 feet away it blew up to nothing but a Joel in the wall.i grabbed my stuff and found a gallon of water so I hooked it to my belt and put 2 cans of beans in y pocket and grabbed my cross necklace I left here.and ran outside shooting and running to my truck.i got to where my truck use to be but there was nothing there just tire tracks

I looked at where the tire tracks led and walked down the rode following led though the woods and than the tracked stopped and I was in the middle of no wear so I climbed up a tree for the night and hang my stuff on a branch I felt the pain in my side and looked at it seeing thread I stared to fall asleep and I than went to sleep I felt myself hit the ground and woke up with the pain in y side bc I fell out of the tree and landed on it I herd moaning and groning and got up and climbed back up getting my stuff and climbing down and running off.i ended up at a Walmart and seen Zoe's sign that she told me if we ever got lost from each other to look for the sign witch is a zm witch stands for Zoe Madalyn and my sign for her is mz for madalyn Zoe I also seen a arrow in blood pointing to the right.i followed the arrow wit h leaded to a jail so I won't inside heron guns clocked and people whispering walker and I relized I looked like one bc of my limping I looked aroun saying well trying to say Zoe and fell down from dizziness a I got on my knees and crawled o a corner saying Zoe Zoe r u here and I herd a maddi and I seem Zoe crawl to me asking if I was ok and bit I said yes to the first and no to the second she said good and got me I follow her to the rest of the team plus a few new people the new people were 3 teenage girls 2 teenage boys 4 kids 2 girls 2 boys and 6 grown ups 2 girls 4 boys and me and one teenager looked at each other like we already hated each other and I got up and walked off and the teenager followed me she said her name was kristi and the others were Kate and Marianna the boys jacob am caryl and the kids lianna and sonna and the boys Christian and serenity. Grown ups rose and willow and boys woody chad and and kristi walked to the woods where she told me to follow her and I did as well she than punched me and I fell down and she started kicking me I got up and punched her in the nose making it bleed and kicking her in the stomach and making her choke and than tackled me and put her hands on my throat and started squeezing I tried to get her off of me until I finally went limp she got up and let go dragged me to a ditch and Layed my there she also took a knife and sliced my throat and people ran over here screaming kristi!!what the crap and she got beat up and strangled and than cut on the wrist and neck with a knife but not deep enough to kill her just enough to make her pass out and me in the other hand was choking with blood running down my neck and using my shirt to wipe blood off and set up everyone helped me up as thought I was going to die but I say no I'm fine se didn't cut deep enough so than I walked to her and she woke and got up I smiled and hit her she was too weak to hit me so she told me she's sorry said goodbye to her friends and told me to kill her so I took my gun pointed at her head she closes her eyes and I closed my eyes an I pulled the trigger hearing the fire

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