Shooting guns

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I was woke to some yelling outside alike people telling so I woke up got out of the cup board and peaked three the window seeing 7 people there all bod loads down with stuff saying someone's in there!!i said crap and got down slowly and crawled to the kids place and woke them up telling them to hide in the cup board and the it shut I also woke everyone els up and told them to take there weapons and load them ready to fire I walked to the cup boar making sure it was locked and the kids ha weapons they did so I went back to the kitchen got some ammo for everyone made me 2 more clips of 12 bullets am same with everyone els than they took safety off and loads it so did I.i un hooked m knife just in case.we all hid in a corner and Noah in locked the door and when it swung open he was behind it with his gun ready to fire.someone walked right I. Front of me an looked in the cabinets smiling and telling the others to come here so hat I did was slowly move out of my hiding place and walked behind him with a gun behind his throat I guess he felt like he was being watched so e turned around to see me with a gun pointing at him with other people's guns on the others he pulled out his gun so I desided to give him a far fight I moved my gun down to his stomach and shot him h fell down shooting me madalyn in the heart I held my heart and fell down guns went off and people yelling and running to me Zoe an my mom crying kristi with a straight face Noah sad and cussing Jeremy screaming and everyone les sad crying cussing screaming or calm.


I woke up sweating like crazy and burning up hot.i in tied the knot and crawled out seeing black spots I crawls stop the bathroom grabbing a thermometer I checked my fever it was 102.6 I said ugh lord!and took some fever reducer.i also got up and walked back to my cup board an saw black spots and I got really dizzy than I fell down knocked out felt like forever when I started to be shook and yelled at to wake up but I wouldn't I was knocked out cold

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