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Thanks to misticastle for sharing your enthusiasm with me which has encouraged me to make this chapter sooner! More will come soon🖤

"Mark hit the ball already!"

"But I gotta hit the guys!"

"God damnit Felix just scored a goal!"

"Well this is going great for Ken and I."

Mark, Ken, Jack, and Felix was Skyping each other so they could play Rocket League together. Mark and Jack was on blue team with Ken and Felix on the orange team.

Currently, blue team had scored zero goals despite Jack's best efforts, which Jack openly blamed Mark for multiple times. Orange team was in the lead by only two, the two goals scored by Ken since Felix kept ending up driving his car onto the ceiling.

"Fuck your father fuck your father fuck your father YEAH!" Mark chanted in a mutter of concentration before cheering excitedly as he blew up Ken's car.

"Son of a bitch!" Ken cursed in mild anger as his car respawned in front of his goal after a moment of impatient waiting, Felix's car far on the other end of the arena trying to get around Jack so he could score a goal.

"Mark help me!" Jack shouted in exasperation as he managed to hit the ball closer to Felix and Ken's goal.

"I got it I got it I'm almost there–and I missed." Mark reported with an embarrassed chuckle as his car drove past the ball and started going up the wall.

"God damnit Mark!" Jack huffed in mock anger as he hit the ball towards the goal.

"Felix do something!" Ken commanded as his car raced at top speed towards the ball.

"Fuck your father fuck your father YES!" Mark exclaimed as he blew up Felix's car again, preventing him from blocking Jack's shot on goal.

The ball rolled in just before Ken reached it, causing his car to fly backwards as an explosion shot through the goal.

"I did it!" Jack cheered happily, raising his fists above his head in victory with a goofy grin.

"Hey I helped you." Mark protested defensively.

"Alright fine, we did it." Jack corrected himself with a dramatic eye roll.

"Anyone up for round three?" Felix spoke up.

"Hang on a sec, I just got an email." Jack frowned, his eyes darting across the screen with furrowed eyebrows that quickly shot up after a moment.

"What's up?" Mark prompted in curiosity.

"Remember Fun and Games Co? Well, they're inviting us back to try a new product of theirs that we can keep afterwards as an apology for Angelica screwing with us." Jack informed the group.

"That was three years ago, why would they try to apologize to us now?" Ken pointed out.

"Maybe it's because they were working on whatever product they're having us test out." Felix shrugged.

"I just got the email too." Mark chimed in, quickly scanning its contents.

"Their headquarters is in LA, we have to be there by October thirty-first, and we can bring friends if we want." Mark announced.

"On Halloween? Weird." Felix remarked.

"Are you guys going? They offered to pay for everyone's flight to them as well as paying us a thousand grand each." Jack added.

"It does sound interesting." Ken admitted thoughtfully.

"I'll let Mary know that I'm going." Ken decided before abruptly ending the Skype call.

"I'll ask Dan and Phil if they're in or not." Felix chimed in before his face disappeared off of Mark's screen.

"I'll see you there then Mark." Jack smirked before disconnecting as well.

"I guess I'll see what Matt thinks." Mark muttered to himself as he shut off his computer, staring at its black screen for a moment before standing up and walking out of his recording room to share the news of his new adventure with Tyler, Ethan, Amy, and Kathryn.

"So you're going to go test a new gaming thing out and you can bring friends?" Ethan asked excitedly.

"Yep, do you-"

"Hell yeah!" Ethan interrupted Mark eagerly.

"I didn't even finish my sentence!" Mark laughed.

"Sorry." Ethan apologized sheepishly.

"And you guys can come too." Mark informed the others.

"Imma hang back and be a potato." Amy replied, warning a nod of agreement from Kathryn.

"I'm in." Tyler grinned.

"Alright, I'm gonna call Matt and see what his plan is." Mark stated as he walked back into his recording room and retrieved his phone from his pocket before calling him.

"Hello?" Matt answered in the third ring.

"Hey, did you get the email?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I'm bringing some of the crew with me too." Matt answered.

"Who?" Mark prompted.

"So far J-Fred, Bryan, Sam, Kevin, Connor, Gunner, Paul, and Tanner said that they'dr love to." Matt listed off.

"That's a lot of people." Mark whistled in surprise.

"The company hasn't said no. At least not yet." Matt countered.

"I'll see you there then." Mark chuckled before hanging up.

Tyler, Ethan, and Mark quickly packed after filming a quick vlog explaining where they were going before saying goodbye to Any and Kathryn.

"Let me know how cool whatever you're trying out is whenever you get back." Amy instructed Mark with a smile, kissing him before watching him walk out the door.

"Oh that's soo cooooool, so coooool." Mark sang with a playful grin as he climbed into his car with his friends and started driving off towards the Fun and Games headquarters to scope out what he was getting into before the testing day came.

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