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"Alright, I have to go so I don't get caught by the stupid prison guards, so have fun in this place for awhile. Whichever team has the most survivors wins." Angelica spoke in a rush.

The group could hear keys on a keyboard clicking, causing a familiar scene to gradually appear around them.

"Sister location." Mark realized once thier surroundings became clear.

"You beat this game before Mark, how do we survive?" Dan asked nervously, constantly glancing around him.

"Follow me." Mark instructed, motioning for his team to stay close behind him as he pressed the red button that allowed the doors of the elevator to slide open with a loud screech that made everyone wince.

He paused for a moment before moving the yellow danger tape out of the way of the entrance of the air duct like tube and started crawling through it with his group in tow, his wings scraping painfully against the metal as he folded them as tight as he could toward him.

Matt led his team with him out of the elevator through the air duct like Mark, doing his best to pretend he was calm for the sake of his friends.

"Please stand by while I reboot the power system." A female AI announced abruptly, startling the two teams.

With a boom, everything went dark, making it impossible for anyone to see until their eyes adjusted.

"What the hell?!" Jack shouted to no one in particular.

"Motion trigger, entry way vent....Funtime auditorium maintenance vent opened....Ballora gallery maintenance vent opened." The female AI listed off.

"I don't recognize you." A different female voice spoke up. She sounded different, almost not automated.

"You are new." She observed. "I remember this...scenario." She continued while everyone stopped moving to listen.

"However, it's a strange thing to want to do, to come here. I'm curious to what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights, in a place like this." She sounded bitter towards the end.

"There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place, and it worked for him. I recommend that you hurry though. You will be safe there. Just try not to make eye contact. It will be over soon, they will lose interest." The voice promised them before falling silent.

"How are we all supposed to fit underneath it?" Mariah blurted.

"That's the thing...not all of us are supposed to." Jack stated numbly.

"This way!" Mark barked to his team, darting forward towards the room with the desk to protect them.

Matt instantly sprang into action, chasing after Mark without hesitation, but with grim determination to save his friends.

Jack, Ethan, Mariah, and Sam managed to squeeze under the desk before everyone else, leaving the others out to die by whatever animatronic nightmare was out there waiting for them.

Mark took to the air with Tyler on his back when he saw the small animatronics that looked like babies crawl out of their hiding spot, approaching the others stuck on the ground.

"I can't stay up here for long." Mark grimaced in pain from holding so much weight, flapping his wings desperately to keep him and his friend in the air away from danger.

"It's fine, stay up here." Tyler directed as he jumped down, punching the ground when he landed.

A large circle of dust formed around him as several animatronics flew back and smashed against the metal walls.

New Save File (Sequel to Not So Virtual Reality)Where stories live. Discover now