Good Time

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"It's nice to see all of you again, it's been awhile." Angelica remarked casually.

"What do you want?" Mark demanded fearlessly.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to have a good time." Angelica giggled as suddenly a familiar arena formed around them, cars lined up in front of them in either blue or orange colors.

"Oh yeah, I also brought in more of your friends to make the teams even." Angelica stated as Kevin and Mariah suddenly popped into existence beside the other Hi-Five members wearing the same clothes as them.

Kevin had a black set of VR goggles strapped around his head on his forehead while Mariah had flames flickering in one of her hands before she extinguished it.

"How are we in Rocket League? What is even happening?" Matt blurted as he ran a hand over one of the blue cars.

"So here's how this is going to work. I want all of the Hi-Five members on orange team, and everyone else on blue team." Angelica explained.

"Go! The clock is ticking. Also if your car blows up, you'll just respawn so don't worry." Angelica assured them.

Hastily the two teams hopped into their cars, watching as the ball materialized in the middle of the floor.

Instead of actual steering wheels, they were replaced with gaming controllers the players used to control their car as if they were playing the game normally.

Connor's car raced forward with Sam, Paul hanging back as goalie, Matt driving to the left while Tanner took the right and Mark drove straight forward. Gunner's car stuck close to the blue team's goal as Bryan played defense for their goal and J-Fred drive up front to help Gunner. Kevin and Mariah worked together to try and stop the other team from scoring by driving into their way.

Blue team had Ken playing goalie, Felix on defense, Jack up front with PJ, Tyler and Ethan to the left, Dan and Phil to the right, and Mark doing what he usually did when he played Rocket League.

He blew up cars.

Mark constantly went after Conner, who was the other team's strongest player while Ken scored goals with the occasional help of Dan and Phil.

By the time that the first two minutes passed, Connor had managed to score four goals with Gunner's help while the blue team had only scored three times, mainly thanks to Ken.

"This is exciting!" Angelica commented as the two teams respawned back into their starting positions, the roar of their engines nearly drowning out her voice.

"C'mon guys, we can do this!" Connor encouraged his team, managing to hit the ball away from Jack and hit it towards the goal. Tanner followed it up with a bicycle kick that caused the ball to fly into the goal.

"That's my boy!" Gunner cheered in celebration. 

"We're not our of this yet bros." Felix spoke up confidently.

"I'm not sure I trust what the hell's going on." Dan admitted warily as he drove into the ball, knocking it into the enemy goal.

"We're fine, she can't do anything to us." Ken promised.

"There's only so much I can do from the prison you stuck me in." Angelica pouted sourly.

"Who are you? And how are you here? Why are you in prison?" Paul chimed in.

"My name's and Angelica, and don't worry about how I'm here." Angelica introduced herself, waving off Paul's concern.

That was when the game ended.

"That was fun. Now, onto the next round." Angelica announced as the world turned dark around them, leaving their cars and the arena behind.

Only PJ wasn't with them anymore.

"What did to do with PJ?!" Jack demanded furiously.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that each time your team loses, one of your players get eliminated? Oops." Angelica laughed before falling silent, leaving the group in the dark both figuratively and literally.

New Save File (Sequel to Not So Virtual Reality)Where stories live. Discover now