Game On

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By the time lunch had come and gone, everyone finally had managed to meet up together at the Fun and Games HQ, Drake watching them talk with each other with mild amusement.

Currently Matt, J-Fred, Sam, Gunner, Tanner, Paul, and Bryan were playing with the VR shooting game controllers that looked identical to a NERF gun, jokingly pointing it at each other as they had a pretend NERF battle.

Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Jack, PJ, Felix, Dan, Phil, and Ken were catching each other up on things happening in their lives while playing around with the experimental games.

"Is everybody here?" Drake interjected.

"I think so." Mark replied, sounding somewhat confident in his answer.

"Perfect." Drake grinned, clapping his hands together to gain everyone's attention.

"Now, you're all probably wondering what you're all doing here." Drake stated, earning mutters of agreement.

"After three years, we've finally developed a gaming console that allows players to connect their minds to the game, using brain waves to conjure up whatever they would like. The name at the moment is the Mind Games console. Let me show you where it is and how it works." Drake instructed, motioning for the group to follow him to the far left where a door was separating them from a smaller room that was pitch black.

"This is our special new product testing room with smell towers that allow players to smell whatever is in the game, as well as feel and interact with the environment flawlessly." Drake explained proudly.

"How?" Matt blurted in awe.

"It's a secret." Drake winked in reply.

"Now, the first step is that we have to create everyone's avatar by using the face scanner." Drake announced as he picked up a black bowl shard helmet with wires connected to it.

Bryan eagerly volunteered to go first, fitting the helmet in his head while Drake connected it to a computer.

"This'll take a moment and may seem weird." Drake warned Bryan as he pressed a key in the keyboard of the computer.

Gradually a perfect scan of Bryan gradually began forming. His attire was his red Team Edge shirt with black pants, black tennis shoes, and in his hand he had a deadly battle axe with a black backpack sling over his shoulder.

"Dang son." J-Fred whistled in amazement as he took the helmet from Bryan.

"How was it?" J-Fred asked as he slid the helmet on somewhat hesitantly.

"There's only a rotating blue light, it's not that bad." Bryan promised J-Fred, clapping a hand on his back before stepping back to stand next to Matt and the other Hi-five crew members.

J-Fred's avatar was suited in his gray Team Edge shirt with black pants, white basketball shoes, and a long sword in hand, his Team Edge hat perched backwards on his head and a black backpack identical to Bryan's on his back.

Matt went after Joey, his avatar dressed in his light blue Team Edge shirt with black pants, blue mixed with white tennis shoes, and a bow and arrow in his hands and a tech watch strapped o his wrist, a black bag slung in one shoulder.

Mark's avatar was wearing a black t-shirt with his lucky flannel over it and jeans covering his legs and red tennis shoes on his feet, bright pink wings spread out far across the screen. Tiny Box Tim and Chica sat in either side of him, a pink bandana tied around Chica's neck.

"I get wings and Chica with Tiny Box Tim in the game?" Mark gasped in excitement while Drake nodded with a soft laugh as Jack took the helmet next.

Jack's character had on a light blue hoodie with his familiar snap cap covering most of his emerald green hair and jeans with green heel high converse, one of his eyes glowing green instead of blue with Sam floating by his side, his alter egos except for Anti standing around him.

"Oh my god I love it!" Jack laughed as he looked at his results before passing off the helmet to Tyler.

Tyler's character had on a light gray beanie, a navy blue shirt, jeans, black tennis shoes, and had giant muscles, his avatar casually holding a car in one hand with a confident smirk.

"I'm Tyler, I'm so strong." Mark teased while Ethan took the helmet.

His avatar was dressed in as dark gray shirt with short blue sleeves, jeans, and shirt blue converse. His leg was held straight in the air behind his head like a contortionist, his gear logo balancing on his pointed toes.

PJ's character had on a dark blue hoodie, jeans, black jeans, black tennis shoes. His right hand glowed vibrantly like a galaxy.

Felix went next, his avatar's attire consisting of jeans, white tennis shoes, and a short sleeve light pink t-shirt with his pink headphones covering his ears. One of his hands was curled into a fist and was glowing a light blue, causing him to look slightly intimidating.

Dan's character had on a black long sleeve shirt, black jeans and black tennis shoes. Black whispy tendrils similar to smoke were wrapped around Dan's hands.

Phil followed Dan, his avatar dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with a white triceratops on the front, jeans, and mismatched knee high socks with rainbow converse. Whiskers covered his face, a lion's tail visible.

Ken followed up, his character wearing a red and black flannel similar to Mark's, accompanied by his old bear hat, dark blue jeans, and brown hiking boots. He was sitting on a giant brown grizzly bear that was in the middle of roaring ferociously.

The rest of the Hi-Five crew went last, all of their characters wearing their Team Edge shirts, except Tanner and Gunner since they had their Rekt shirts, with jeans and different colored tennis shoes.

Connor's character had a video game controller in hand, Sam's had a bubble wand, Tanner's had a battle hammer, Gunner's had a sword that looked like it was made of tin foil, and lastly Paul had a pair of black headphones with a microphone attached, as well as blue holographic goggles.

"This is gonna be awesome." Jack whispered with an excited grin like a child on Christmas as Drake led them over to the console they were testing.

There was a row of ten black leather seats that looked like dentist chairs lined up against the wall, another ten facing the opposite direction. Each seat was separated by a thick black curtain with a tv in front of each seat, small gray towers sitting on top of the tvs.

"Alright, everyone pick a seat, then I'll get you guys hooked up." Drake directed, gesturing to the chairs.

Matt sat in the first row with the other Hi-Five crew members, as well as Ken. Felix sat in a seat in the second row next to PJ and the others.

Silently Drake hooked each person up by attaching wires to their heads using stickers, placing them in strategic places on each person's head with delicate precision until everyone was connected.

"Everyone ready?" Drake asked, sounding equally excited and nervous as everyone felt.

A chorus of yeses filled the room as the eighteen YouTubers prepared themselves for what could happen.

"Game on." Drake declared as everything turned dark.

The blissful darkness was interrupted by an eerily familiar voice Ken, Felix, Mark, Jack, Dan, Phil, and Matt recognized all too well despite the years that had passed.

"Hello everybody, let's start over with a new save file shall we?"

New Save File (Sequel to Not So Virtual Reality)Where stories live. Discover now