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I turn back to the place where I set my glass. I started breathing heavily. "How did that fall?" I thought. "That couldn't just happen out of no where." I looked around. Still breathing heavily. I walk out of the kitchen and went looking for my mom. I walked up the stairs. I checked in the master bed room since that is our parents room. No one was there. I walked to Crystal's room and found Crystal, Summer, and Rosie. They all looked at me. 

"Hey Courtney." Rosie said bouncing on the bed.

"Hi." I replied when walking over to the bed to pick her up. "No bouncing." I carried her over to were Crystal and Summer were now standing. They were right next the door. Then we all started walking around the house. 

When we walked around the house. We all noticed something odd. One of the walls. It was black. But why? The other 3 walls around it are white...

The black wallWhere stories live. Discover now