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If I plan things right, this should have the three POV's you've seen so far. Forgive me if I forget one and this is wrong!

Maia's POV:

I look outside of the small window. I think I can fit - I'm 10, but I haven't hit 4'5 yet. The lock is bent so I can't open it. Crap. I stand on the window ledge and reach to the top lock. He probably thought I wouldn't reach it. I twist hard, and the lock comes undone. Yes! I toss my little pink backpack out of the window and follow suit. Time to find Liza Koshy. 

Liza's POV:

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

lizakoshybuisness@nirl.com has one email:

My name is Maia. I'm 10 years old, and I've taken your spot at His house, and I'm coming to find you.

Holy. Shit.


I show him the phone screen, and his eyes widen at the short email.

"No. He'll fucking kill her."

"There's nothing we can do! She's already in California. We have no clue how close she is to us."

I sigh, putting my head between my knees. David sits down beside me, rubbing my back.

"Look, babe. We don't know where she is. Hell, she could be in San Francisco. Let her come to us. We'll call the police, problem solved. Maybe that douche will get arrested too."


I turn away from him and back to the TV. I really wish there was something I could do about this; like stop her or something.

David's POV:

I can't believe this crazy little kid is coming to find us. I check Liza's message for her email address: M.Greenberg@nirlschool.com. I log onto my personal email and click write.


This is David. If you don't know who I am, I'm Liza's boyfriend. I'm assuming you know where we live via the internet. Please, don't come to LA. Don't leave the house at all. Liza and I can call the police and get you out or something. Doing, mind my language, stupid shit like that almost got her killed. Just go back.


Maia's POV:

I slide into the chair at the library. www.nirl.com/maiag/login.43r3rw/accepted/inbox/loaded.

I have one new message, I read it over. Maybe I should consider going back. It's risky. Coincidentally right as I think this, I feel a hand around my throat.

I'm taking a break. Get your crying out now. I won't be gone long - a week or two at most. I need to do a bunch of stuff with school. Sorry this chapter is so short - the next one will be at least double. ALSO! For those wondering what NIRL/NRL stands for, it's not in real life. As always, sorry for typos.

thx babes!

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