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Very dramatic... you'll see.

David's POV
I hear a small crash from the kitchen. A dulled y'all in the back of my head. Liza? I feel around me, searching for her warmth. I touch her hand and hold it fast. What the hell? I creep out into the kitchen to find... nothing. I look down from the balcony. A woman lies in a pool of glass and blood in the street.

"Oh, shit."

I fumble around for my phone.

"I'm here to report a... I don't know. Murder? Suicide? Yes, I see the body. 3664 Notreal Avenue. Yes."

I hang up the phone, pacing back and forth. I can see a fleeting image of Maia's body laying there instead. My palms start to sweat and shake. She can't be dead. She can't be dead. I blink and my hands are soaked in blood. Liza's blood. Maia's blood. My blood. I blink again and it's gone. My heart is running a fucking marathon. That's Maia's body. Her shirt blonde hair. Her little cream dress. I shrink to he floor. I can see her being shot, frame by frame. And Taylor tossing her body out of the window. I lay down on the floor, gasping for air. A click, and a light. I think about Liza and Maia lying together on cold congress, blood seeping out of their heads.

"Oh my god, baby!"

Could I have saved her. I don't know. Could I have saved them. I don't know. Should I have saved her. Yes. Liza's hands are cold on mine, but I'm shaking. Sirens. Liza's running. A stretcher. Cold, January air. Another stretcher. Taylor's body. Dark.

A lil sneak peek for y'all... I just can't sleep. In other news, I've decided on a Scott x Kristen fanfiction. It's called Ghosts. Coming soon... after OtDE is over. Sry for typos, thx babes.

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