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Liza's POV
My hands hover over the keyboard, shaking ever so slightly.

"David, come look at this."

He places his hands on my shoulders and reads over my head.

"Oh, shit."

"I know. What do we tell her?"

"That were still working it out? I don't know. It's been a long time."

I place my head in the desk.

"I want kids, David"

"I know."

"And this is such a great opportunity, David"

"I know. But will it ever bother you that she isn't really ours?"

I want to say know. I know that's the right, hind, selfless answer. But even as much as I love her, I can't quite get over how she doesn't look like either of us. I don't want it to be like that, though. I want to love Maia wholeheartedly without any kind of doubt in my head.

"I can get over it."

"Then write her back."

I've been waiting for so long to hear you! Unfortunately we didn't get much done. Remember that Taylor lady I told you about? She got me sent to jail! I'm out now, though. We're really trying our hardest, but it still might not happen. I really hope it does. Keep in touch.

I click the send button and hear the swish. David drapes his arms around my neck ad mulls me closer to him.

"Do you really think we're ready to be parents?"

"Is anyone? I've wanted this for so, so long babe."

I sigh and lean back, leaning my head on David's shoulder.

"I know you do. It's just going to be so hard to keep up with everything. And it's going to harder since I went to jail."

"Babe, they won't care. Her parents both have two charges now."

"Alright. Well I guess we'll look at the process another time. I've got to film."


David pecks me on the lips and I walk into his bedroom.

"Hi guys. As you know, some absolutely crazy things have been happening inner the last few years. I can't even keep up myself. Anyhow, if you follow the internet in the slightest, you'll know that I was sent to jail on two counts of nurder. I wanted to clear the air around one of the rumors. Yes, I actually did it. If you want a video on that experience, I'll make one. Basically, I was drugged by someone and sent to kill two people on her hit list. I was under the influence of drugs. I have already taken all of y charges and David was able to get me out. I would be posting a lot more no now. I know a lot of you are getting turned off from me because of this. I understand. You're young and easily influenced. You'd expect me to be mad that my view count is dropping, but I'm not. I would unsubscribe too. Just keep in mind that very little of this is my fault. I love you guys. Bye."

I cover the lens with my hands and turn off the camera. I shove my computer into my bag and sling on my coat.

"When are you moving in?"

"I want a different house. One better suited for a kid."

David rolls his eyes at me.

"I love you"

"Love you too."

The cold December air slaps me across my face and I see my breath get foggy. I phone the tea estate agent and get to work on solving out the house.

Maia's POV

"When are you sending me back to the Home?"

"Soon, baby. I'm so sorry you couldn't stay longer."

I sigh and pull the thick covers up to my chin. I've spent the last little while at two different foster homes. This one definitely takes the cake. Anjali is so, so nice. But she's expecting, so I can't stay here much longer. She kisses me on the forehead.

"Sleep tight, ok?"

I nod my head. As soon as she walks down the stairs I jump to my computer. I have one email from... Liza! I read it over and sink deep into my seat. Jail, huh. I miss being in their arms. It doesn't matter where they've been. I click off my computer and sink back under my covers. I feel my eyes start to drift closed, and I find myself falling into a deep sleep.

I don't know what to say in this thing. No important news. Please read the chapter called vote! That's pretty much it. As always, sorry for typos.

thx babes!

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