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Sad things... I'm sorry.

Maia's POV
"What do you want from me?"

"To see you dead."

"Then kill me! Just please, don't make me sit here."

Her grip tightens around my neck and I squeeze my eyes tightly. My hands shake in anticipation, causing the blood to run faster down my fingertips.

"You know, I almost feel bad doing this. You had so long to live. But I guess that's just what happens when you're bad!"

A round, cold piece of metal taps my head. She runs it down the side of my face and points it in between my eyes. I breathe in, waiting for the shot. Her hand grips my neck as hard as it can.


Liza POV

I don't want to be awake yet. This pillow feels so warm under my head. I force myself to roll out of bed and make myself a cup of coffee. I sit on my couch and click on the tv, the hot mug turning my fingertips red.

"Some terrifying news. A convict has escaped from a local prison. Taylor James was convicted of sex trafficking and prostitution of many young girls. She allegedly left a note, claiming to be after one of them. Unfortunately, she did succeed. Maia Greenberg was found dead with a bullet through her head and slash down the length of the arm. Police are still in the lookout for Taylor."

"Well, Kate, that's just tragic. In other news, th-"

The remote clatters to the floor. How? I don't know what to do with myself. I sit on the couch like that for the next hour and a half.

Anjali's POV

Fourteen hours. That's how long she's been gone. And now she's dead. Two hours since I found out I'd miscarried. Now my baby is dead. Babies, actually. I sob into my husband's shoulder.

"It's all my fault! If we'd kept her, if I'd known, she wouldn't be dead!"

He just strokes my hair soothingly.

"Shhh. You didn't do anything, baby. It wasn't your fault.

"I did! I did everything wrong. Now that poor child is dead. God knows what happens to her beforehand."

I sit there for a while; crying into Tamel's shoulder. It's about an hour later when I drift off to sleep.

David's POV

I can barely grip the wheel. Dead? My hands are shaking so hard that my whole body moves.

"Hey, dude. You ok?"

I turn around and look Alex in the eyes, tears welling up in my own.

"She's... she's dead."



Alex looks down at his lap.

"I'm... I'm so sorry."

A tear splashes on to my hand.

JEJORNEJWIRHJEBRJTOOIWUUH!!!1!1!1!1! This made me rly sad to write. But I need a wrench. Just a heads up that the next chapter will be pretty far into the future. Like at least a couple months. Also, just remember that age doesn't matter. Let's just pretend that nobody gets older, even if there is some kind of birthday party. Sorry for making this so short. It's currently 12:01 am. As always, sorry for typos.
thx babes!

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