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Pennywise Pov

I was sat on the floor playing with jennywise when (y/n) came in with the losers club, I stood up and jennywise hid behind Me.

Y: I will ask you one last time, where is my sister?

I looked at her with a confused look.

P: I told you before, I dont know!

Y: Stop lying!

P: im not lying!

y: Yes you are!

J: d...daddy, w..whats going o..on?

P: jen, go up to your room please

J: Okay

Jennywise ran up to her room and Sammy produced a knife from her pocket

P: what is that?

Bb: a pocket knife

B: with your weakness on it

Y: negativity!

I rolled my eyes and stood there, the same old creepy grin on my face.

Y: be prepared to die.

((Time skip brought to you by Beverly's pocket knife))

I grabbed Beverly by the neck and held her against the wall, I was ready to bite her arm off then I felt a knife go through me. My grip loosened on Beverly's neck and dropped her, I felt the knife go out of me and I turned around and held the spot where I got stabbed. I saw (y/n) go towards me and get ready to stab me again.....this is the end.....

Freinds With A Clown, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now