All I ever wanted was to, dream another sunset with you.

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Billies POV

I felt guilty after that kiss with Tom. I felt guilty because I liked it. I felt guilty because I went behind Tre's back.

I felt guilty because Im in love with Tre.

Tom was amazing. When he kissed me, it was just fireworks. Like everything around me disappeared and it was just me and him.

But I love Tre. I love him with everything, and I feel like I just betrayed him.

I remember when we came back to the house and Tom slept on the mattress next to my bed. In the pitch black he asked me a question.

"Did you feel the Sparks when I kissed you that other night to piss off Tre?"

"I'm not sure, Tom." I said after a few seconds. "Let's just go to bed."

I just want to see Tre already.

The next morning, Tom was sleeping peacefully on his bed. All the emotion in his face, the scowls, the blank stares, just faded. Like he was a whole different person.

He got kicked out for drinking at a basketball game, very classic. But at least he is confident in everything and always looks on the bright side.

He made some lyrics to a song he calls dick lips, which is about him getting kicked out.

I can't remember much, but the chorus is about him being grounded and having nothing to do, the the second verse about him panicking about his father. Something like: "shit dad, please don't kick my ass. I know I've seen you trashed at least one time."

It's a good song.

I go downstairs to see my mom.

"Hi ma!" I gave her a hug.
I don't see her often, which sucks a ton, but she does make good breakfast.
"Hey! you hungry? I made breakfast." She said.
I look at the delicious food and smiled. "Thanks ma. Tom is sleeping upstairs by the way."

"That's good, honey. He can help himself when he's awake. I have to go to work, I'll be back later. Love you, bye."

I waved and continued to eat my eggs and bacon.

A knock on the door startles me as Tom walks down the stairs half asleep.

"Fucking hell, what a shitty dream." He mumbled, while I walked up to the door to see Tre.

"Hey." He smiled, planting a kiss on my lips.

A flashback of Tom kissing me blasted through my head. I quickly pull away but Tre didn't seem to notice.

Tre walked in, as Tom waved to him grabbing a piece of bacon.

"Hey shithead" Tom said muffled due to the food in his mouth.

Tre smiled, grabbing bacon.

"Guys, I want to have a total blackout party." Tre said, munching on food.

"Hell yeah" Tom and I Agreed.

"As long as I get laid then I'll go." Tom said chuckling.

"I really hope you guys come." Tre smiled.

Yeah, it'll be fun....

For the love of my life... (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now