Chapter 20

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Out of the blue.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" Austin asked me. It was a rather strange question, but I answered it nevertheless.

"Kinda, why?" There was a long pause after that, in which he kept taking deep breaths like he was arguing with himself over something.

"If I... Wasn't someone you expected me to be... would you accept me?" He asked again, his tone nervous.

"Unless it's a sin, I'll accept you no matter what." I tried my best to reassure him, but he was still quite anxious.

"Remember what I said about mates years ago..?"

"Yes, I do, why?"

"Today's the day I'll explain what I meant." He took another deep breath. "Mates are only for supernatural beings, which are: Demons, angels, wolves, vampires and more. I-I'm one of them..."

I was a little taken aback but fiddled with my sleeve. "Which one?"

"I'm an angel... And so is my mom and her brother. Then her other brother and sister are demons.." 

I breathed a sigh of relief, as I felt an angel would be the best one to be. He seemed to have heard it.

"It's not as pretty as you think... On the outside, it does seem cool, but if you look deeper, you can easily make out how much we're hunted. The same goes for the other species. When there's a prey there's a predator..."

"People hunt angels? Why?"

"For the same reason, people hunt certain species of animals. We're rare, we sell, there are things they want to find out, they want to experiment.. So many people die every day and go to heaven, but only ones born on earth can live on earth."

"That's horrible..."

"The world is horrible. Its filled with many cruel people, but," He takes my hand. "People like you are the opposite. You're pure, caring and have such a beautiful personality." I blushed a bright crimson. "I was hoping someone like you would be my mate, and that just makes me lucky you are..."

"I-I'm your mate?" I must've sounded very surprised, as he smiled slightly.

"Of course you are. I had a feeling you were the first day I met you, even if I was too young to know."

"Do people always get good mates?"

"Not all the time. People can end up with people that just want to hurt them, in which case they try their best to reject them, even if it hurts them so. Its better than staying."

All of this was so new to me. However, I had always believed in the supernatural, for a certain reason Austin never realized...

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