Daniel x blaze part 1

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(These are two of my fav characters so I'm happy!)

Daniel pov
I was at home watching tv while drawling a picture of the most Coolest,strongest,smartest, and hottest guy EVER! I mean h-he is a-always sweating! >///< oh who am I kidding this is my mind I can't lie I l-like him a lot and his name hehe I'm crazy then I get a text it's from...B-B-BLAZE?!?!? I feel my face heat up a little it say
(B = blaze and D= Daniel)
B:Hey Daniel I was wondering if you wanted to come over my parents aren't home and they said I could have a friend over.
D:umm sure I'd love to!
B:cool thanks see ya later
D:yea see ya.
OMG OMG OMG OMG I think as I drop the phone to the bed wagging my tail super fast and blushing I then get on some clothes and brush my hair and teeth for 3 minuets "mom,dad is it ok if I go to b-blazes house?" I ask (Sorry I don't know who he lives with) "sure Danny just be back before dinner" mom says "ok!" I says and leaves

I ring the door bell and the door open like a minute after and I see blaze with his shirt off?!?!? I feel my face heat up a little more than before and my tail wags ether because I'm happy to him him or I'm happy to see he's shirtless...maybe both "Hey Daniel!Come In!" He says with a big smile on his face I blush a little more and walk in,I then feel two arms wrap around my waist I blush a lot knowing who it is "b-blaze w-what are you d-doing?" I ask "oh just giving you a hug~" he whispers in my ear I blush a lot of his breath in my fluffy ears I then feel my tail being squeezed lightly I blush like 100% more and start sweating "heh,you look so cute when you blush~" blaze says in my ear again, as he squeezes tighter on my tail I let out a noise I've never made before then cover my mouth "aww Daniel don't hide your moans~" he says is that what that noise is called a 'moan'? "B-blaze...is that noise that I made a moan?" I ask feeling a bit embarrassed and confused "y-you really don't kno-I umm ok 2 thing 1:yes that is a moan 2:have you had those sex classes before?" He answers and asks I've heard of them and my mom has told me all that stuff but no I haven't been in one "I know about sex but no I haven't" I answer truthfully "o-oh s-so you know what s-sex is?" He asked blushing "I think...isn't it wear y-you take a guys...and you put it in a girls?.." I cut out the body part words he got what I was saying and nodded "h-have you ever had sex before?" He asked I feel my face heat up again he's still holding me with my tail in his hand "no...I don't think I want to be a father" I answer not really knowing what to say "do you know there protection?" "Y-yes but I'm scared it will hurt" "aww Daniel,here how about I take you to my room and show you that it's not scary" he suggests "b-but your not a girl and girls don't have-" I got cut off by him kissing me I blush again "I know but I can still stick my dick in your butt~" he says and I tense up he then picks me up and take me to his room and throws me on the bed then locks the door and crawls onto me and sits dog like on my d-dick (BECAUSE HES A WEREWOLF HE HAS DOG IN HIM) I gulp and blush
Blaze pov
I sit on his dick and he gulps and blushes I then start grinding on his member and I earn soft moans from him he then gasps I stop and tilt my head in confused "b-b-blaze y-your u-uh m-ahh!" Try's to says something then interrupts himself by moaning I'm so confused 'my M?' I think "mouth?" I ask he shakes his head no "muscles?" He shakes his head no "what is it?" I ask "y-y-your ahh~ M-me- ahh!~ m-MEMBER! AHH!~" he yells then moans loudly I blush by this and look down at my member and blush a lot more like 50 times more I have a huge boner just smushed up against his 'HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS OR FEEL IT?!?!?.....then again I was playing with myself last night thinking of Daniel and I guess I got used to it being smushed up against something idk' I think I then look up at his face to see something so prettyfull it's him with a bunch of blush a crossed his face, panting,his ears are down twitching a little, and his tongue is hanging out while his saliva is rolling off with one eye closed and the other staring at me I feel my nose bleed and wipe it off real fast stopping it "B-blazzzzzze" he moans out, he closes his eyes real tight while biting his lip I then noticed that my boner got bigger...wow I'm just sitting here on him while he's basically doing everything "b-b-blaze pl-please t-tak-Ahh!" He interrupts him self again with a moan "what was that~?"I ask sexily while humping his dick again very slowly getting him to moan "b-blaze pl-plEASe s-s-stop real q-quick" he requests "why?~" I ask he moans again but way louder and starts squirming making his member rub against mine I moan by this "p-please?!?" He asks loudly

1015 words again sorry so long but there's ganna be another part soon

Bye bye~

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