homicidal liu x child reader pt2

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It was already her after class and I wait her to the terminal and I felt her presence coming closer to me she seems to be sneaking then tried to scare me. When she comes closer to me I surprised her and she jump she seems to be laughing hard for that. "Hahaha did you really think you can try to surprise me?" I said it with a big smile and so did y/n. So I told her let's go we went to the park together all she can do was play around over the play ground she pulled my hand and said do a trick at the swing and so I did. I did a front flip while the swing rise up she was so amazed on that skill she said she wants to learn it as well I told her she needs to learn parkour first if she wants to learn how to flip. It was six pm already and I forgot that her parents will get worried sick for her. "Y/n is time to go home why didn't you tell me is already late!" I said it in worried tone she suddenly became sad. "I didn't want to say it caused is boring inside the house my parents never get me any attention when I was a kid or even at my birthday is always has to be a bit few days to celebrate it. And when I was still a kid I told my mom not to work or at least hang out with us but she denied or even my dad but it seems like his never in the mood to play with me my sibling where always busy I hate the home ." she said with a sad face. I felt bad for her caused I never know this was her life her parents probably never care for her then. " then how about we do this come with me at my place you maybe going to freak out a little but I promise you. There's nothing to be afraid off" I said it with the smile y/n seems to be confused of what I'm talking about but she agreed anyway so I sent her home.

I don't know what he meant but my parents aren't home so I'm alone or they went to look for me at school my dad went home and shouted me why I was home late. He said he waited me at school he said I will never go far at school anymore my dad will wait me at the exact time out side the school so he won't never ever let me go anywhere. That just suddenly made me sad I went to my room and cry for that what if I never be able to meet liu. To me liu is like my dad he understand me more than my real parents I wonder what his place or family look like? Some one suddenly knock on my window surprisingly is liu I widen my eyes and smile excitedly I jump of the bed and opened the window. "Why are you crying again did your parents got mad at you?" He said while touching my cheek. I nod and told him that my parents won't ever let me out of the school tbh I hated my parents ever since they never understand me. So then liu said come live with me then. I widen my eyes that I would be living with him. He said "from now on I'll be your father I promise I'll always understand you protect you and be here with you* he said it with a smile so then I happily agreed to be with him he said I should call him dad from now on. So then I left with him and went to his place.

You guys probably thing this story is over. Well is not the story was never over jk. Well this story is still be continued.

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