chapter 4

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Mayowa POV
I entered the small room, my eyes searching for the lady who was nowhere to be seen. I walked inside and closed the door, the light was dimmed,the light caused the room to look romantic, perfect setting to have some hard angry animal sex...
My eyes landed on something at the end of the bed. there, in the shadow. I couldn't see her perfectly but I knew someone was lieing there...
A smirk traveled on my face and I slowly made my way over to the bed. "She was perfect". her whimper clarified that she was afraid of me, I wanted her to be... It was a sign that my body made it clear that I was dangerous..
I untied my tie and threw it on the bed stand behind the bed.. I started to unbutton my  shirt but stop.. "Are you coming to jerk me off or do you keep lieing there?" I snapped to the person on the bed...
"She started moving and the shadow stepped into the dimmed light , revealing herself..
"My eyes locked immediately with a pair of blue ones which looked hurt and afraid".. They were also red and puffy which meant she had been crying. In that moment I felt something changed inside me but I ignored it..
I started to sweat, my gaze lowered and immediately fell on on her full pink lips that was dry and swollen from biting into it. "My eyes roamed over her chest, that she was wearing was a crop shirt, I must admit that her chest was exactly the perfect size.
"My eyes roamed her tanned stomach. She had a small waist. My eyes dropped to her lady part that was covered with thong.. "I felt a little bit sad at first, but quickly recovered. "She wasn't here willingly in the first place, this was short, about Frank's height and looked around eighteen.. "WHY WAS I HERE AGAIN?"
Shame and disgust filled inside me... I wanted to leave, immediately but I couldn't. I was curious to know more about this girl..
I didn't want to fuck anymore. Instead, I was curious about this girl.."she was so beautiful yet mysterious, she invited me why was she afraid of me? "Why did I feel attracted to her?"a "ARE YOU GOING TO HURT ME ?" She asked, her voice only a whisper...........MAYOWA POV
"My jaw dropped" what? NO! NO! Of course "Why are you here?" She said .... I swallowed a little she was right. I came here to fuck the life out of a whore to release my anger. I was here to have "crazy fun"..... Without saying a word to her, I turned around and left the room..."why couldn't I just grab that girl and fuck the life out of her?.... As I entered the club again. No I shouted at frank direction and said "there is something wrong with that whore ... She won't listen to me and I've just wasted 1.5million dollars...
I was mad, angry, frustrated and I didn't know why.."was it because of that girl?" I said to my self....
Before I could kill anyone in the club, I quickly left and climb into my car, inserted the key. As soon as the car came to life I zoomed off.... ROSE POV
His very low and sexy voice, it sent shivers down my spine ..his question was tempting to answer. I noticed how hard my body was trembling in fear.. I still couldn't stop admiring him...
Some minute later "two strong hands pushed my shoulders against the bed so I wouldn't be able to move.....
"I heard sound of a belt unbuckling at my feet".. my stomach turned into knots and my eyes snapped to the one at my feet.....
Cold, strong hands grabbed my ankles painfully, almost breaking them... I cried out in pain as I heard something crack there... The men laughed loudly as they watched my pain... I was going to lose my virginity today, my heart raced.."Rose baby".. A voice filled my ears. My head snapped to the side and my eyes immediately saw frank standing close to the night stand in a very expensive suit. "I heard you didn't satisfy the need of my most important customer, "BABY".. My eyes went wide and my heart started to ache.... The guy told him, I knew I couldn't have trusted him...
"You disobeyed my rules, even tho you don't no them, baby.. "he continued.. He stopped with his pacing and turned looking directly in my eyes.... His eyes looked cold and deadly and he said "BABY YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT" he said laughing so loud

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