Chapter Two

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Nick watched Ella as she worked briskly, nimble fingers investigating the gaping wound on Luciana. Worry creases his eyebrows, teeth gnawing at his nails in growing anxiousness. Pained groans escape the still woman on the cot, but Ella doesn't bat an eyelash at the noise. She's heard worse during operations, usually from farming accidents. A little noise was good; it means Luciana is alive.

The work is meticulous, hoping to reverse the damage that has happened. The wound itself had stopped bleeding, but the skin surrounding it was flushed with fever that made Luciana's forehead glistened with perspiration. Ella covers the damaged area, a small huff pushing loose strands out of the way. She grabs the discarded rag frim the table, wiping her hands free of the blood that has seeped into her digits. Her hand needed to be steady and clean to aim the needle into Luciana's vein. The action is performed moments after her hands have been cleaned, the syringe contents flooding into the unconscious girl's blood stream.

"It was an antibiotic to help the fever," Ella explains as she discards the used needle inti a metal box that sealed away medical wastes. Nick hadn't even considered what could have been injected; the thought Ella would purposely kill his partner not crossing his mind. He cursed his negligence, but Nick's judgment on her was positive. She seemed too innocent - too caring - to take a life that could be saved.

A rustling caused their attention to shift to the intruder, their dark gazes met with the sight of Troy. Nick could feel his stomach twist in anger, wanting nothing more than to make Troy pay for the pain he caused. Ella, however, smiled pleasantly at his entrance. Likely, he had come to see how everything was going - especially because she was alone with a stranger. Ella wasn't concerned by what Nick could do to her. If he hurt - or killed - her, he wouldn't receive the help he needed for Luciana.

The single blue iris trailed to the treated woman, Troy's mouth set into a frown. This girl was a timebomb; a liability. She could turn into the infected if she wasn't monitored closely. "Why the hell isn't she strapped down?" He uttered darkly, a storm erupting in his head. Ella was good, but she was no miracle worker. It wad only a matter of time before Luciana would die. Troy was positive of that.

"She isn't a prisoner, Troy. She's a patient." Ella's word are simple and factual. If she was worried, she showed no signs of it. Nick bites down the bubbling fury that threatens to boil over at the Otto. Luciana wouldn't even be in this mess if Troy and his men hadn't shot her in the first place. As much as he wants to shout at him, Nick keeps his lips screwed shut. Ella was adamant on her position and Troy knew her. He was less likely to hurt her than if Nick were to argue.

Troy's jaw clicks with tension, his hands lowering to his waist where a set of cuffs rested. He knew Ella better than anyone, which was why he grabbed them before sauntering to the infirmary. Troy knew she wouldn't consider the risks of harboring someone who was dying. Her confidence in the abilities she possessed was a curse in moments like these, one he would have to bring into control. He clears the space to the cot before a protest can leave Nick's lips, snapping the metal around Luciana's wrist and the bar at the side.

Ella, who had been went back to facing the table, swiveled around to stare up at the tempermental militia man. She is accustomed to his erratic behavior. It seemed to fluctuate more when she was involved. Her gaze is even as she looks to him. "She's going to make it. They aren't necessary." Troy crosses his arms over his chest at her response, as if trying to intimidate her. It made Nick uneasy, his feet shifting where he stood. Part of him was trying to get him to intervene, afraid Troy would try to do something to the stubborn girl standing in front of him. Another part - the part that had one - kept him planted where he was, safely observing the interaction between the ranchers.

"You don't know that, Ella," Troy hissed, trying to keep himself hushed. He was aware of the company they shared. Troy kept his affections for Ella a secret, although poorly kept. He had snapped on more than one occasion when it came to her and her safety. All the residents of Broke Jaw knew of their relationship, but Nick and his family were outsiders. Troy didn't trust them even if his dad had opened the gates for them. "If she turns, you could get hurt."

At that moment, it clicked in Nick's head. Troy hadn't been worried about Luciana getting treatment. He wasn't even being cruel when he refused. Troy had been worried about who would be tending to the injured girl; the brunette whose place was the infirmary. To hell with everyone else. Ella would be the most likely to become the first victim of an undead person and Troy was painfully aware of that. While Nick didn't care for any of the ranchers, Ella wasn't bad. She helped when everyone else was unwilling. She did it in a gentle, understanding way; like her sole purpose was to help those who needed it. If Luciana did die, Ella didn't deserve to be condemned to the possible death that followed - even if she had a monster on a leash.

"No - it's okay," Nick mumbles reluctantly, interrupting the staring contest between Troy and Ella. His voice interrupts the silence between them in a deep slur, catching the pair's attention. Troy's uncovered eye glistened with suspicious interest at Nick's remark. Ella looked to him with the understanding that always seemed to be present on her features.

The eyes on him made Nick uncomfortable, but he still forced a short gesture toward his fallen friend. "If she doesn't make it, the cuff's will stop her from getting anyone." Ella didn't need an explanation. She wasn't an idiot; she knew the reason to use the restraining device. She just didn't think they were necessary. Troy was always protective of her, sometimes overwhelmingly so. It had started when they formed a bond at 15. The small actions of defiance were meant to remind him he wasn't in charge of her.

While Ella wants to scold Nick for letting Troy's pessimistic view get to his head, she decides on brushing it off instead. Her mind had been made up. "She won't turn," Ella confirms in retaliation, ignoring the impressed expression the lights Troy's face after Nick spoke. He didn't like the guy, but Troy could see it now.

Nick and him could be friends.


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