Chapter Six

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Motivating herself to leave her bed as her mind replayed the sweet embrace and gentle words of the night before seemed nearly impossible.  Her head felt fuzzy from the lingering cloud of sleepiness as she pictured the grin on his face as he announced Nick being his friend.  Her arms developed goosebumps where the phantom kiss of his fingertips touch had been.  A soft sigh left her lips as she peeled her eyes open to stare at the sturdy wood above her head, the corner of her mouth lifting into a flustered smile that she smothered with her palms as she twisted to her side.  No matter how often it happened, Ella could never disperse the giddiness that erupted at the memories of her nights spent with the blue-eyed boy.

It took her nearly half an hour before she convinced herself to roll from the cot, arms stretching over her head as she padded to the dressed of clothes in the corner of the room.  She chooses the typical plaid flannel that all the ranchers seem to own and a pair of denim jeans to match.  The next ten minutes are spent fixing her hair and brushing her teeth before she pulls on the familiar worn-down brown hiking boots and leaves the cabin, only to be blinded by the sun directly overhead.

Her feet skid across loose gravel as she travels to the Mess Hall, intent on getting something to eat before she goes into the infirmary for the day.  It wouldn't be breakfast; likely, it was time for lunch, if the position of the sun told her anything.  She had slept for longer than she normally would, but she blames the wait for Troy to come see her before she drifted into a dreamless sleep.  She couldn't manage to sleep without at least seeing him briefly before she tried, as much as she would hate to admit it.  She was used to the late visits that had been happening since she was fifteen.  She had thought they were meant to help her, as she was still coping to a life without either of her parents.  The more he came, though, the more she realized it had been just as much for him as it were for her.  They would spend hours awake in silence, both clinging to each other, desperate for the contact and connection with another. 

It happened night after night for weeks.  The two would crowd onto the cot in her cabin, skin touching in some way - arms tangled around each other, their fingertips brushing against each other as they laid on their backs, Ella's cheek pressed against the taller boy's shoulder as she fought to stay awake for longer.  It was an innocent desire for somebody to be there for each other that lead them to where they were now: infatuated and too invested to even consider any other options.  Her fear of abandonment and his fear of isolation had brought them together and cemented their relationship before they even knew what had happened.

A blissful inhale shakes her from her memories as she takes in the crisp air and smell of cooked food not far from her as the tent came into view.  By the crowd that seemed apparent, Ella could guess she was one of the last to be awake in the ranch today; something that only happened occasionally.  With a careless shrug of her shoulders, she bounced on her heels as she approached the awaiting food, sparing grins and "good morning" with those she passed on her way to the line for the meal.

Reaching Gretchen, the younger girl had already stretched her hand out holding a cup of steaming tea, quick to divulge into her time spent the previous night, most of which consisted of Alicia actually joining bible study and what had happened.  Gretchen excitedly relived the details as Ella nodded along, sipping at the hot drink cradled in her hands and offering short comments that incited the other girl to divulge into more and more details.  It was not uncommon for Ella to humor Gretchen with her desire to talk about her days, conversation typically held on the quick exchange of meals.  Being involved in her particular area, Gretchen often would only distract her from work when she needs a wound tended, such as a burn or a cut from a knife.  Despite knowing the infirmary was never really busy, Gretchen knew how much Ella devoted herself to her job even if nothing was going on.

After five minutes of chatting, Ella moved with her cup of cooling tea to get food.  She could hear Jeremiah talking in the background, but it wasn't unusual.  He made announcements nearly every other day.  Today, however, her attention drew to the older man as he mentioned the fallen plane.  A search party had gone out soon after the return of Jake, Alicia, and Luciana.  According to Jeremiah, it had been 36 hours since they departed and had not gotten in contact with Alpha Base.  He was asking for volunteers, a fact that brought a sickening twist of disappointment when she knew Troy would be volunteered.  He was the head of the militia, after all; he led the missions with a fierce determination that couldn't be rivaled.

Ella isn't shocked to see Mike and Coop volunteering behind their leader.  Those two were Troy's right and left hand men, as much as no one liked to admit it.  Troy trusted Mike and Coop more than any of the others in the militia.  Ella is, however, taken aback when the older blonde woman volunteers to join.  Ranchers squint in suspicion as Madison makes her way to the place Ella always sits, making the brunette uncertain what to do.  Her confused gaze is met by the blue pools of uncertainty of her partners.

Before she can think much of the situation, her feet travel to the space Madison left open beside her children.  If nothing else, Ella can swap mindless pleasantries with the people she knows little to nothing about - all while Madison places the napkin over the lap of her lover, ripping open his desire for a motherly figure who cares about him.


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