Chapter Four

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The funeral dispersed shortly after the outburst of blame, the attendants shuffling to the Mess Hall for lunch. Ella stayed behind, intent on avoiding the uneasy body of ranchers. Instead, she had stared ahead at the old image of her friend, lost in the moment of thought. A cloak of sadness threatened to descend as she looked mindlessly. Only the intruding noise of someone clearing their throat releases her from the clutches of subconscious despair.

Slowly, her gaze shifts down the isle of chairs onto the figure of the offender. Dark brown pits clash with pools of blue, a subtle concern glistening on the surface of the gaze. Ella isn't surprised to see that it is Troy who has brought her out of an unintentional stupor. The corner of her lips twist into a gentle smile when she snaps back into reality. He offers a slight one back cautiously, wary of those who may witness the second of weakness.  Despite the caution present, Ella was still grateful for the gesture.

His head tilted a fraction, a silent command to come with him.  Hefting to her feet, she shuffled to the opening of the row, careful to avoid colliding her hip with the chairs.  When she made it to him, he offered her a looped arm.  The action surprises her for a moment, not used to the public display of affection.  Not that she minded, really.  Ella enjoyed the little manners reserved for her when they were alone.  Everyone figured Troy must be good to her if she were to stay so adamantly by his side.  He was, truly.  The nights he snuck into her cabin were filled with quiet talks and gentle touches.  He was only ever gentle with her, it seemed; as if she were made of glass and he feared he would break her if he wasn't careful.  The light tracing of his fingers against her skin was always accompanied by such an awestricken expression on his tired features. 

Her arm forms around his in a relaxed embrace, no reluctance in her actions despite the surprise she felt.  Ella would never shy away from the affection he showed her.  She could never get enough of it and Troy knew that.  The youngest Otto had a power over the brunette that no one else would have.  That much had been evident when they first breached their way past acquintanced and ascended to secret lovers.  While he had never told any of his men of the girl who he found himself watching in his free time, he did hold an unusual possessiveness that Ella had found both endearing and unnerving.  It had resulted in a scuffle between Troy and Mike one night over the cheap drinks of bible study.  Comments had been said, but Ella had no knowledge of what; she hadn't been present, instead with Charlene at her cabin, talking about the boys her friend now trained with.  All Ella knew was later that night, she had been tending to the cuts and bruises on both their faces, the brooding silence in the infirmary suffocating as she worked.  They'd froze each other out for a week before Charlene had discovered what their spat was about, immediately informing Ella - a fact that made her cheeks dust pink and a small, guilty smile lift on her lips that told her secret to the godsister of the boy she was involved with.

When Troy and Mike had worked out their problems, it was clear that no other boy in Troy's militia would be making the same mistake as poor, uninformed Mike.  Coop was the only one to confront Ella about it as they ate lunch later than everyone else nearly a month after the fight.  He forked a strange mix of egg and sausage into his mouth, chomping away as Ella gingerly sipped at the warm tea Gretchen had made for her.  The silence was comfortable - one Ella found enjoyable - while Coop had been wary of what their interaction may look like to others. 

After a stretch of it and a large gulp from the large boy, he squinted his gaze is obvious curiosity at the sweet girl in front of him.  Coop was aware of Troy's cruel nature, often finding himself fearful of the Otto's outbursts of anger that ended in twisted torment to his trainees.  It was strange to think such an aggressive boy would be absorbed in the innocent nurse type that Ella happened to be, even if it did make some weird sense.  She doted on others like Troy had wanted when he was young, having been deprived of it by both his mother and his father.  It almost seemed natural for him to gravitate toward Ella, whose motherly tendencies didn't fall away from the eyes of others.

"You and Troy.  Is that a thing?"  He mused as he shoveled another gigantic bite of food into his mouth, eyebrows raising as he awaited an answer.  Ella responded with a fidget and a sheepish smile highlighted by the blush creeping to her cheeks.  The reaction itself was the answer Coop needed to know, but Ella's soft voice articulated the fact shortly after.

"We've been seeing each other, but we...haven't really labeled what it is," She addressed slowly, mulling over the words before they left her lips.  Coop nodded in understanding, pleasantly surprised that his suspicions were true.  He wasn't usually right about the nagging thoughts in his head, but sometimes he would prove to himself that he could make a correct assumption.

After that conversation, the militiamen finally knew why Troy had snapped at Mike as he had.  While Ella remarked their relationship as unlabeled, it was clear to everyone else the meaning it held for both of them.  Despite everyone knowing about their secret rendezvous, Troy and Ella had not publicly announced just how they were involved with each other.  Even now, in the apocalypse that has taken hold of the world, they still had not officially made a statement as to what they were to each other.  And they didn't need to.  They were both content with their arrangements and didn't need any outside opinions to muddle it.

However, it didn't stop the brief glances of astonishment as the two entered the vicinity of the Mess Hall together, arm in arm.  They were silent as they walked, Troy projecting the confident demeanor he always possessed and Ella a quieter, gentler atmosphere clinging to her.  They were not bothered by the stares, even from Jake - whose eyebrows had risen from his position beside Alicia.  It was common knowledge that the two were together, but no one expected to openly see anything that portrayed their relationship together. 

Ella unlooped her arm from his with a quiet whisper of heading to grab a tea from Gretchen, something she did every day before grabbing her meal.  Troy nodded briefly before he strutted to get his food and back to the table he shared with some of his closest men and Ella herself. 

Reaching Gretchen, she spares a friendly smile at the Trimbol, who sent one back.  She listened contently as Gretchen rambled about inviting Alicia to bible study, discussing how she seemed disinterested.  Ella could understand that.  From an outsider's perspective, bible study would mean just what it sounded like: looking through scripture and finding faith even as the world descended into chaos.  Alicia wouldn't know about the party it actually was. 

Within a few minutes, Ella had gotten food and returned to her position beside Troy, slinking down on the wooden bench as Coop, Mike, and Troy discussed the helicopter and what measures needed to be taken next.  She was used to meals being consumed by chatter of their work.  She would often check out of the discussion, disinterested in the military action.  She didn't like fighting, really, but she knew that sometimes it was necessary.  She preferred aiding people with injuries or sickness than being on the front line of one of the major causes of them.

Time went by quickly as she patiently ate the meal in front of her.  Distracted by their conversation, the boys hardly spared her a glance as she uttered a quick goodbye and ushered to return her utensils before setting off to the infirmary.

Injuries around the ranch weren't a usual event, but Ella preferred being there in case something were to unexpectedly happen.  By being in the infirmary, it would lessen the chances of bad results regardless of what has happened.  Work is always slow because of it, but she doesn't mind the dull organizing of their products or the recount of stocks present in the building.  Today was different, though.  When she arrived to the infirmary, she was met with the hushed whispers of her recently awoken patient Luciana and the devoted Nick, who had stayed by her side.

Immediately as she entered, the whispers ceased.  Glancing briefly at the two, she offers a heartfelt smile that is returned by Luciana's uncertain scowl.  Nick pressed his lips into a thankful twitch.  Ella wouldn't press the matter.  She was not involved in whatever they were discussing, so she decided to stay out of it as much as possible.  Tuning them out, she grabbed a clipboard and reached the shelving full of items, the pen in her hand scribbling as her gaze went between the paper and cabinet in front of her.  So absorbed in her work, she didn't even register Nick briefly telling Luciana he would be back later before departing the cabin.


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