Chapter Nine

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Maybe she shouldn't have done it, but it was too late to retract her behavior.  Ella had revealed such a vital piece of information to the Clark kids; something that should leave her sick with distaste and disturbed by morality.  As a medic, the brunette should aggressively disagree with Troy's work, but she has her own twisted curiosity on the subject.  She herself would never rob someone of their life  - even if the entire world seemed doomed.  But Troy?  He was not afraid to seek and find answers to the burning questions of this widespread phenomenon.  The information he collected was valuable in its own morbid fashion and Ella just couldn't bring herself to tell him to stop.

The undead were fascinating in their own right, but discovering a scientific connection between the physical properties of the person and their time of reanimation was intriguing.  As inhumane as it seemed, the knowledge gained from the killings could help in the future - maybe to develop a treatment or cure  -  not that Ella had the ability to do that.  Informed on treatments was a completely different game than understanding diseases and developing the treatments.  

By the time she makes it to the infirmary, Nick has already retrieved Luciana; nothing but the rumpled sheets to tell of the exotic girl's stay.  Mind blazing with sudden doubts, she busies herself with changing the bedding into pressed fresh linen.  Admittedly, it doesn't take Ella very long to finish the task, but it is long enough to give Troy the opportunity to sneak up on her.

A soft hum of confusion vibrates in her throat as she takes a step back from her work and collides with another figure.  Instantly, there are strong hands on her wait, keeping her steady as she tilts her head back  -  against the chest of the culprit  -  to greet him with a dazzling smile that nearly takes his breath away.

Troy would never be used to having her in his arms.  He would never get used to the gentleness of her words, the brilliance of the gaze that focuses so intensely on him, or the sweet ways she touches him.  He knows he doesn't deserve such kind behavior when he is a beast driven by angry impulse.  Undeserving, yes, but not unappreciative.  He returns her love in his own way; secret kisses, passing glances, the explicit way he would kill for her.  As long as she was safe - as long as he knew she was breathing - he could beat down anything or anyone who ever considered hurting her.

Ella was his beacon; his light.  She combated the darkness that hung over his shoulders and threatened to swallow him whole.  If she wasn't there, the monster that hides in those shadows would have nothing to hold it back.  It would come out and burn the entire world to ashes all in the name of grief.  Troy couldn't get used to her, but he definitely couldn't lose her either.

"Are you leaving soon?" The sweet melody of her voice snaps him back to the current moment, shaking away the chaos brewing beneath his skull.  They are in the infirmary, his hands holding her as she stares up at him in silent question.  He is not out there setting fire to the world for a love he has lost.

The clear blue of his eyes focus on her, lips twisting into a smile no one else was given the luxury of seeing.  It was equally full of love and warmth.

"Tomorrow.  My dad wants us to be able to report as soon as we can."

That made sense to her.  Some of the Ranchers were getting dizzy with worry, constant movement to avoid the fear threatening to snatch them in its jaws.  They had never had a reason to be afraid, but now everything was different  -  and things that were unknown had always brought unrest.  She's almost surprised they weren't heading out now,  since it was only midday.

Her head bobs in an understanding nod, her body wiggling to be released from the touch that still lingered.   He complies easily,  his hands falling to his sides as his chin tilts downward to gaze at the way she chewed her bottom lip.  It was a delicate action,  her eyebrows furrowed in thought as her own gaze was past him; a sign she was thinking, no doubt.  But it lasted a second too long,  his smile falling as his own eyebrows furrow in confusion.  She wasn't just thinking.  Something was bothering her.  

"What is it?"  His voice deepens to a whisper,  approaching another secret to be shared by them alone.   Whatever was going through her head wasn't good.   She didn't look at him for a short pause,  head tilted down to face the creaky wooden floorboards rather than him.  It was unusual for her not to meet his eyes,   but when she didn't,  it was always because of something disturbing her.

A heavy sigh gusts past her parted lips,  her hands moving to rest on his biceps and offer a quick squeeze as she lifts her stare back to him.  There is no fear in the doe irises that twinkle as they meet cold blue;  only regret  -  and the very fact makes his stomach churn with nerves.  It doesn't help when she softly requests he promise not to be angry,  but his complies with a slow nod.

"Nick and Alicia," She begins in a murmur.  "I told them I knew   -   what you do out there."  

And the beast lying sleepily in his bones roars to life.


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