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Rabbit: Yo. I'm a nerd.

Jon: Heather

Zero: Heather

Hatchworth: and Heather

Rabbit: Oh shit son

Upgrade: lol I'm the forgotten sidekick

Jon: you could be popular

Rabbit: Oh shit.

Zero: You symmetrical face.

Rabbit: wtf. Lol I'm not a nerd anymore.

Jon, Zero, and Hatchworthless: Yay.

Rabbit: I'm gonna be nerd again.

Hatchworth: Rabbit wtf *intense violent singing*

Rabbit: *accidentally kills Hatchworthless*

Upgrade: *jumps off a bridge*

The Spine: Rabbit, you are popular and I like trench coats.

Rabbit: Oh okay.

Random guy: You make my dicc very depressed.

Rabbit: wtf.

The Spine: Imma blow up the skool.

Rabbit: Oh hell no.

The Spine: *dies*

Rabbit: I like carrots.

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