Chapter 1: The Substitute

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Chapter 1: The Substitute
It was a normal morning, I walk to school praying I didn't forget any homework at home. The usual, there was only one thing that felt odd which was the fact about when I walked into the commons (It's where we usually have to wait until the first bell goes off.). Everyone was happy  Finding out there's a substitute for science.
No one liked the science teacher. She was on everyone's 'Top disliked teachers'. Well I can't blame them. Once a kid had a stuffy nose and she freaked out because he got up to get a FREAKING TISSUE! Then there was another story where my friend she was reading her book because she was done with her work. Mrs. Hitcher got up and yelled at her for reading a 'Fantasy Book' because it's 'science and we should read books about science!'. I've never been yelled by her. The bell goes off and I go to first class.
~ 1st Period ~
I'll admit it I love 1st period. You aren't graded on anything nor do you ever get homework. Also the teacher is SUPER nice. So in this district we have something called 'WM' which stands for "Winner's minutes'. It's just 27 minutes of free time. No lessons start nada except meetings. But There only once a month. After the pledge of allegiance and attendance everyone celebrates. No one likes the science teacher. Mr. Halk quiets the classroom. We find out the sub's name. It's 'Ms. Akeal'.
I open up my chromebook and look at my grades.

Social studies- 96.7
Reading- 83.1
Science- 100.0
Math- 97.9
Language arts- 90.0
Phy ed.- 100.0
Choir- 100.0
Orchestra- 100.0

Peer Leader
Fiddle club
First friends
Book club

Yeah I know I really do suck.... I'M IN A BOOK CLUB!!!!!
Okay the only reason is I made a pledge saying I'll be in every club as possible. Well the interesting and well fitted for me. Last year I was only in one club but I was only in 5th grade. That year doesn't count also you could only join choir. But sometimes there were offers to get into special choirs. Don't ask how I know. The bell goes off and I run for it.
In the hallway, everyone is on top of the each other. Ms. Shalk was coming to meet and greet students. She looked really young like somewhere around her 20's, had long blonde hair with pink eyes. She was really pretty. Too bad I'll never look as pretty as her.
~2nd period~
Mr. Samporni is a really nice guy. No joke. This teacher is really nice if you work hard and be determined.
Today was a test and oh boy I was scared. Luckily I studied my notes before school. Well I shouldn't freak out much. Ugh I hate all my disorders....
//29 minutes later//
The bell is going to ring and I'm done! Checked my test 5 times and sent it to my tech. The next second the bell goes off.
~3rd period~
Next hour I have Ms. Shalk! But this class is my reading class and again another test I studied for. I'm not really as scared because with the confidence I have right now can do me anything I want. Last class I really didn't have much confidence but now that I her a melody I can focus.
//10 minutes later//
Okay.... The class room sounds dead and I'm no joke going to fall asleep. Mr. Niter turns off the music and this class becomes boring. Until the phone rings.
I'm asked to be excused for a lesson.
~4th period~
I walk into the classroom. For some reason I have a feeling like this year will be the last year being normal. But it's only my imagination. Ms. Shalk walks in and everyone greets her.
"Hi I'm Ms. Shalk. Today we're going to discuss about force, gravity and physics. But first I want to know your name. Also day something interesting about yourself. " She points at me first.
"My name is Lynn.... I like to do chores and work."
"Well Lynn if you like chores and labor, I'm moving into a house that's 45 minutes away and I need help hauling stuff to my car and out my car. Would you like to help? I'll even give you a ride and you can sleep at my place. You would have to talk to your mom but if she doesn't mind and you don't mind were fine then. But I need a lot of help."
"Sure can I get your number? After you're done speaking?"
Okay we're on good terms with each other. While the sits and watches a video Ms. Shalk calls me up to her desk. She hands me a slip of paper.

Akealois Shalk

I go back to my desk. The kid who sits by me looks over at the paper.
Well I'll run home to mom.
~ after school ~
I call my mom and she picks it up.
"Hey mom, the sub wants me to come over. Can I? She wants me to help with her hauling stuff. I have a place to sleep but could you drive by and drop off some clothes like 2 pairs of leggings and a t-shirt and a hoodie? I'll stay at her place and she'll drive me to school so I'll see you Monday afternoon. Thank you bye!"
4 minutes later I see my mom. She hands me my stuff and drives off.
I walk back into the school seeing Ms. Shalk go through papers.
"Oh you're ready okay, Whats with the big case?"
"Its nothing, I like to call it a helper. So .... What am I going to help you with?"
"Well I need you to paint walls and Move things in and out"
She packs up her stuff and we head out. Before walking out of the school, Someone walked in, Someone in pure black. This unknown person stopped us.... 
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" I turn around.
A strange man holding a pistol stops us. His face is covered by a mask with a weird/odd design on it.
His hand is on the trigger. I jump in front of Ms. Shalk, to protect her.
'This is the end, you won't live anymore' I drop everything and take out what's in the case.
If I am going to die today I'll have the one thing I love in my arms.
He pulls the trigger....
I am dea---

Wings of darkness Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora