Chapter 4: Change

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Chapter 4: Change
It's only day 2 and I still am scared of this place. I don't know where the dining area is nor my room at times.
I get into a gown realizing the fact I HAVE to wear this I don't know why but I should respect her orders. If I die again I will be sent to heaven. A note slide under my door.

Meet me in the Grand foyer.

What does she want now? I'm not trying to say that in a mean or rude way. This place is out of shape, There's no wifi nor electronics. Worst of all there is no sound to listen to when it's silent. Well I'll make some then. HEY WHERE IS MY ---- It's here. The interesting thing of my life. It'll get better....
I run down stair and more stairs. I finally hit the grand foyer. Akealos waits for me with her staff. I stop and feel like i'm going to lose myself today. Calm down.... It's only a feeling.
"Morning Lynn!" she smiled at me. Akealos is a nice person. Don't get me wrong, It's just why did I have to be her servant? Im weak....
"Morning~ So what did you want?" I bow down to her. She smile and waves her staff over me.
"Today's the day you become my official angel and servant. When you become and angel you will serve my army unless if you change a side. But I can read hearts and deep inside you want to join.
You will become the commander of the moon and stars. Congratulations! Now are you ready to claim your reward." I nod and smile deep inside.
She waves her staff over me as I feel pain in my back. I open my eyes when the pain disappears. I look around Akealos smiles and turn around.
Black fluffy wings....
Akealos hands me my official uniform. I get dressed as she shows me to a room where I watch and record stuff. I smile and bow down to her. I really want to hug her.
The temptation was so bad that I did. She smiles which I start to feel comfortable. My halo shines brighter than before. I'm on my own....
After introducing myself to the army of angels. I run 5 laps and 50 push ups and curls ups.
"Lynn I have something for you!" I look and see a silver and gold scythe.
"Thank you.... So pretty...." my mouth drops.
Akealos trains me all day and half of the night. My body aches.
Today I learned how to use a scythe, fly, read fortunes and relax while in battle. I sat in my chamber of records. Watching and reading people's fortunes. I'm going to stay up pretty late but who cares. I read more and more and stop at one....
"Dear Lynn,
I know you're in heaven and I wanted to tell you how much I miss you. My world is in shred and I can't stop crying. Everyone has gone silent in school after the accident. Please show me a sign you're okay and happy. I miss you.
~ Leyah"
I can't help but to cry. I look into the mirror from stars and see leah crying. I freeze up and cry. I've never seen her in so much pain. I'm sorry I died. How can I show her?
Akealos walk by.
"What wrong?"
"My friend I want to show her a sign but I can't...."
"Here it's alright let me help. I'll make a star catch her attention and it'll be a sign of happiness. It's really pretty." She shows me a star shine bright in the sky.
I look back at the mirror seeing Leyah looking out of her window and smiling. When she stops crying I calm down.
"So how many fortunes have you gotten through?"
"115 sorry I should be working harder."
"No! I can't even get that much done in a hour. You didn't need to do that. Here go get some shuteye and I'll have someone else do it. Tomorrow we're going to do more training. But I'll give you very little work."
"Please don't give me little give me more! I need more."
"I'll cut it down to 50 push-ups, 90 sit-ups, and 2 laps. Then I'll send some of the army at you for training. I really don't want to tier you until you can't breathe. Just relax we start tomorrow at 6. Nice job today. Goodnight, sleep well."
"You too~"
Maybe she is right....

~Akealos POV~
I hope Lynn doesn't stress herself out. The Underworld is going to attack and Lynn isn't even fully trained, But she wants to push herself harder which may cause her to become tired and reckless. She has to relax and calm herself down.
If the underworld army attacks they will take Lynn away and they won't return her. If I fight alongside her there's a I could make Lynn a bigger target. The underworld army wants her back for what's she's done. I cannot allow that.
The underworld army wants her and revenge for 'The backstabber'.
This whole death thing has also seemed to make her shook up while watching her friends suffer. It hurts her. Lynn is sworn to protect 'The land of the moon and stars' . So I should make her work x2 as hard the day after tomorrow and then make her x3 as hard the next day. After that I'll have relax but still train. I hope I can find and army that will help us even if there weak.
Lynn get stronger for me......

~Back to Lynn on the next chapter~

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